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(What you've all been waiting for... the best smut you'll get out of this series. Hope you all love it!)
     More than 3/4 of the guests left already, making sure to say good bye of course, while the other 1/4 lingered around inside our dining area.
     "Hey Iz, I... before the fire... wanted you to meet someone." My mother says as people chatted around the tv in the living room. I eye her funny before asking who it was. She than proceeds to nervously grab ahold of a mysterious man's hand while avoiding eye contact with me.
     "Izzy this is my boyfriend, Joseph. Joseph, this is my daughter, Isabelle." She introduces the man to me. I inspect him as he shakes my hand. He was taller than her and was lanky. His eyes were brown like hers and his hair was short and brown accompanied with bangs gently laying over his forehead. Nothing like my real father.
     "Nice to meet you Isabelle. And congratulations on your marriage." He says politely with a toothy smile that made me purse my lips in awkwardness.
     "Uh, Thank you." I reply before turning towards my mother. "Mom you should really get going. Guests are starting to leave and the weather seems to be getting kinda bad." I suggest, still eyeing Joseph suspiciously.
     "Okay sweetie. I'll call you tomorrow." She replies and with that, she fled with Joseph following closely behind her. 'Creep.'
     Before I know it, only Freddie, Roger, John, Veronica, Brian, and myself were left in the deserted house. My family members packed up their things and left for their plane right as they got here leaving us all alone in front of the tele.
     "Horrible..." Veronica sighs as they show a picture of the destruction on the screen.
     "Do we even know what happened?" John asks, furrowing his eyebrows at the images.
     "Not sure. Apparently one of the lanterns broke around the aisle." Brian replies, holding me close to him on the couch.
     "One thing for sure, Lucy attended the ceremony." I add making everyone look at me in shock, except Roger.
     "What?" Brian asks as if I was speaking a foreign language.
     "She has been posing as Rogers girlfriend just to get a way into the wedding. I bet she started the fire." I explain looking around at all the shocked faces around the room.
     "I'll break her neck that one." Freddie mutters, taking a long sip from a bottle of beer. "Roger how could you have been so stupid?" He snaps, glaring at the ashamed blonde.
     "She completely changed her look! I couldn't tell who she was!" Roger spats back at Freddie who just eyed him annoyingly.
     "He's right about that. She dyed her hair a brighter blonde and even cut some of it. She didn't look like herself." I add sighing at the idea of her possibly causing the whole accident.
     We all sat in silence as the television continued to blab about how it could've happened and who was responsible for it.
     "Well," John starts, clearing his throat and standing up from the couch. "We're gonna go actually. Let you guys relax a bit after today. We'll see tomorrow." John says, grabbing ahold of Veronica's hand and leading her out of the room and eventually the door.
     "I'm gonna go too darling. Rehearsal tomorrow at 10." Freddie reminds the two boys also getting up and letting himself out the door. The three of us sit and watch the bandmates leave before turning back to the tele.
     "Roger you should go too." Brian says making Roger eye him funny.
     "What? Why me?" He exclaims sounding offended by Brian's suggestion.
     Brian's eyes grow wide before timidly motioning towards me. I blush and turn to face the television at what Brian was trying to say as he continued to try and hint to the drummer.
     Finally, Roger's eyes widen followed by an ohhhhhh. "" He asks confused making Brian even more furious.
     "Roger Meddows Taylor, I suggest you leave before I do it for you." Brian mutters as I sit in a pool of embarrassment beside him. Roger purses his lips and quickly gets up and out the door.
     "Finally," He sighs before turning towards me with a seductive look on his face. "Now I can have you all to myself." He whispers before pulling me into a loving kiss. The kiss grew intense until he unexpectedly picks me up bridal style, and carries me up the marble staircase.
     We reach the entrance to the room where all the magic happens, so to say. He gently lays me on the bed, allowing the truffles of the dress to disperse onto the mattress. The bed slowly dips down as his weight adds to mine. Peppering me with kisses, he slowly begins to unzip the back of my dress, taking the gown off to reveal the small dress underneath in which he quickly tears off as well. I was left in only my bra and underwear.
     "Brian love... slow down." I giggle as his kisses travel to my stomach creating ticklish sensations.
     "I can't help it, I want you all to myself." He replies, playing with the straps of my bra to tease me as my breathing grows heavier and heavier with every touch.
     "And you will. But try to at least make it special as you do so." I whisper allowing him to come up to meet my eyes.
     "I'm sorry love." He replies before kissing me passionately on the mouth. While he was distracted, I raised my hands to his suit and began to take off the layers of fashion on top of him.
     I manage to succeed, leaving him shirtless while his hands roamed my entire body. They finally lead to his pants where they were slowly slid down, leaving him in his boxers.
     We continued to make out while he slowly grind on me, allowing my patience to lessen rapidly. I cup his face to look at me.
     "I'm...ready whenever you are." I whisper, stroking his already sweaty face.
     "Are you sure?"
     "Yeah." I reply giving him my permission to love me like he's never loved me before. I feel his finger crawl down my figure until they reached the hem of my underwear. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he slid them off as well as his. He looks up before hovering over me.
     "Ready?" He whispers as I felt his tip gently rub up against me causing me to faintly gasp. I return the question with a firm set of nods, allowing him to gently push into me.
     "Oh my god..." sigh as he continues to push all of him into me. He harshly inhales before slowly pulling out resulting in him going back in again. He started going into a steady rhythm allowing the bed to gently sway back and forth with our movements.
     "Jesus Christ..." he gasps as we pick up speed. I felt myself edge closer and closer to my high, I could tell Brian was too.
     The next thrusts were painful yet pleasing for the two of us just before I felt him twitch inside of me and release right then and there. I came shortly after resulting in us both to slow down and collapse on one another from exhaustion.
     "That... was..."
     "Amazing..." I finish making him turn his head to smile at me before scooting closer to me and holding me against his chest. His beating heart was the only thing I heard as the two of us lay in silence.
     "You think it worked?" He asks while gently stroking my hair. I look up to meet his eyes before smiling.
     "I hope so," I reply before planting a loving kiss on his lips. "I love you so much." I add breaking the kiss.
     "I love you so much more, beautiful." He replies pressing his lips against me once again. 'God did I love him.'

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now