Rainy Day Games

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Throughout the entire day, I either slept, ate, cried, raged, or got kissed a million times by Brian. A couple of times, I'd wake up to Brian kissing my non noticeable baby bump in which I would then stroke his hair feeling like the proud mother I wasn't yet.
So far, being pregnant was the worst. Not as bad as cheating on your fiancé, but worse than getting locked up in a school shed for a whole day.
"Wow my life sucks." I whisper to myself as I lay in bed thinking. Of course I didn't mean it, but at the moment, I sorta did.
Suddenly I hear the door slowly creak open to reveal a curious looking blonde appear. "Uh, Bri went to the store. Do you need anything?" He asks as I eye him from the edge of my bed.
"Nothing you can give me." I reply with a sigh before staring back up to the ceiling, but I don't hear him leave. Instead, he continues to lean against the door frame with a stupid smirk across his face.
     "You sure about that?" He replies with a tint of sarcasm in his tone. I lazily roll over to face him directly.
     "What is it you want Taylor?" I groan in annoyance as to why he was bugging me...especially now. His smirk only grew wider making me feel a bit uneasy.
"If you need anything, anything at all," he pauses biting lip hinting at what I didn't want. "Just ask me, love." He finishes before exiting my room leaving me stunned and a bit disgusted.
"I'm flattered but no!" I call out loud enough so he would hear me from the hall. I heard a little chuckle before his footsteps proceeded to fade down the stairs. Bored from thinking, I sit up and climb out of bed. God, everything hurt so bad.
     I, for some reason, go over towards Brian's side of the room and grab ahold of his song journal. Flipping through the pages I find a lot of notes, chords, and lyrics. As the pages lead to recent days, they begin to get personal. Mostly emotions towards his life, me, and his career.
     'How come he's never mentioned this before?'
     God they were so chronically ordered: Day, time, place, person, everything. I quickly put it back, not wanting to be caught getting into his personal stuff. I started to actually feel a bit better, head wise. My stomach on the other hand, still felt like someone punched it a thousand times.
     Hesitant at first, I quickly make my way downstairs to grab a bite to eat. As expected, I meet Roger in the kitchen with a bottle of beer in hand and one of his drumsticks in the other, gently tapping it to some beat in his head. I turn away when I notice it's one of the ones I gave him a few months ago.
     "I knew you'd come crawling back to me." He chuckles as I pull a box of biscuits out from the pantry.
     "No, I came down for food." I reply, trying my best to not start anything with him. I was not in the mood for his flirtatious words right now.
     "We're getting there." He replies allowing me to just let it slide as I loudly munch on the biscuits.
"You keep thinking that drummer. Hey don't you guys have rehearsal by now?" I ask eyeing the clock reading 10:20.
"Well ever since this morning, Brian decided not to go." He replies without much detail. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as to why he was here then.
"Then why are you still here?"
He raises his head from that stupid journal of his with an annoyed yet flirtatious expression on his face.
     "Well, you need a babysitter, I need something to do, it works out perfectly." He replies with a cheesy grin across his lips. My face scrunches at the word babysitter.
     "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." I snap, angered at the fact he thought I need his assistance.
     "You sure about that love?" He questions in a sarcastic yet concerning tone, which puzzled me even more.
     I don't reply. Why? Cause I wasn't in the mood for his stupid games and that dumb smirk he pulls every time he thinks he's acting smart when actually he's just making a fool of himself.
     "I will never need your assistance in this lifetime drummer." I mumble as I pour myself a glass of water. His head shoots up and his eyes meet with mine.
     "You never know..." he replies with a stern yet sad expression. His voice was mellow, unlike 2 minutes ago. 'What's gotten into him?'
     Feeling unsatisfied with the biscuits, I hesitantly put them away back in the pantry before strolling over towards the glum blonde. Taking a seat near him, he looks up with his blue eyes scanning me puzzlingly.
     Just then an idea comes to mind.
     "Are you any good at scrabble?" I ask cocking an eyebrow as he cracks a small smile.
"You know I'm not good at scrabble." He chuckles, running his fingers through his blonde roots.
"That's why we should play!" I exclaim with a bright smile before getting up and racing towards the closet in the room across the kitchen that held some extra things. I grab the board game and hurry my way back to Roger.
Opening the box, I take out the board, chips, and the little stands. I position everything where it should be and have him draw his first 6 letters. He shakes his head jokingly before picking his six letters and placing them on the little stand.
I draw mine as well before letting him go first.
"There is no word that can be made out of these." He whines, scanning all the letters as I try to contain my laughter. Brian taught me a few words I could use that no one would expect. That was the great thing about touring. "Alright," He starts pulling a chip from his 'deck' and placing it on the middle square. "R, O, S, E. Rose. 5 points for me." He declares, feeling proud by the word he just pulled from his letters.
"Okay drummer." I sigh searching for a word through my exotic letters. "I'll use your O to make Honey." I say placing the H, N, E, and Y to make the word that Roger was so impressed by.
"What the bloody hell?! I would've never found that! Alright Mrs May, lets see if you can take this word." He threatens, pulling another set of letters as I counted my points to make 13.
He looks at his letters carefully before clearing his throat. "I'll use your N to make Nook." He says placing the two O's and the K down on the board creating a 7 point word.
"Well played. I use your..." just then the front door opens to reveal Brian with bags of groceries and drenched in rain. We both avert to him as he carries the goods to the kitchen. "Hello dear." I greet before going back to the word I was thinking of. "Damn it, I forgot the word." I curse as I try to search for the word.
"You guys playing Scrabble?" He asks as he takes his coat off and places it on the back of one of the dining chairs.
"Yeah, I'm winning so far." I explain looking up at Roger pouting in his seat. Brian hovers above me and analyzes my letters.
"Arisen" He whispers still eyeing the jumbled letters.
"That's not a word." I whisper back still trying to find a word that's an actual one.
"I have dictionaries upstairs..." He bets eyeing my slyly, the look that says "I know I'm smart. You don't have to tell me."
"Alright drummer," I start taking all my chips from the stand and placing them in my hand. "I take your N, and make the word... Arisen..." I say hesitantly as I place the chips down over a double square.
Roger cocks an eyebrow as I add 12 points to my side. "That's not a word!" he snaps slamming his fists on the table allowing the chips to tremble out of their place.
"I'll grab a dictionary Rog." Brian threatens making Roger cross his arms and pout in his chair.
"I'm done for tonight. Good game Roger." I chuckle, clearing the board and putting the chips back in the box.
"Mmm, I suppose." He replies, rubbing the back of his neck nervously before getting up from his chair and stretching his arms.
"We should do this more often." I say closing the box and carrying it back to the closet.
'This should be an easy 9 months if I keep this entertainment up.'

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