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     "Oh come on... it's not like I asked him to put his arm around me. I was just cold so he was doing a good deed. What's wrong with that?" I snap back already annoyed at the fact that we were talking about this now.
     "What's wrong with it is that he feels he need to be close to you every second of every day." He argus back.
     "I'm not gonna talk about this now. I'm going to bed." I mutter before entering the bedroom but it wasn't long before he followed me in.
     "We aren't done here, there's something going on between you two isn't there?" He says raising his voice a bit.
     "Yeah, the fact we're close friends is totally something going on." I reply sarcastically before lifting my dress over my head and sliding a T-shirt and shorts on.
     "Why do I have a feeling your lying?"
     "Maybe it's because of the sarcasm in my tone." I say sarcastically totally pissing him off.
     "Isabelle Marie Curry, do not talk back to me like that..." he demands making me turn around angrily.
     "Brian...Harold...May, don't you talk to me that way. I'm going to bed if you'd excuse me." I mutter staring him straight in the eye. I hated when he tried to act like he controlled me.
     He sighs as I climb into bed my back facing him. God he needs to lay off. I mean, I wasn't really lying but still, he doesn't need to get all up in my business.
     A few minutes later I feel the weight of the mattress shift as he climbs in next to me. Even in his rotten mood he still held me close and pressed himself against me.
     I softly sigh before falling asleep with him still next to me.


     I walk into the kitchen the next morning to find Brian in his usual spot reading the paper. I don't say anything as I enter the room and grab a glass of water for myself.
     "Morning love." He says as I finish my water.
     "Morning..." I mumble back still a bit upset from last night.
     "When did you get a tattoo?" He asks as I turn my back to look through the fridge. I freeze at his question.
     "About a week ago." I reply not wanting to lie about it to steer up more trouble.
     "Why get one now?"
     "I dunno." I sigh. "I want to support my favorite band who happens to have my husband in it." I reply turning around with an apple in hand.
     He nods his head in approval. "I like it..."
     "Thanks..." I mumble lifting the hem of my T-shirt collar to take another look at it. I smile at the beautiful logo on my shoulder.
     "Anyways, the boys and I were settling for some tour dates and places. We're not sure where to go."
"What about the US?" I suggest remembering how much I loved the United States.
"I mean...we could, but aren't you bored of the same scenery there?"
"Not at all, I love it there." I say before taking a bite out of the apple.
"I can call and see if they're up to it. In the meantime, I have something to show you." He says making me stop my chewing and swallow my bite.
"What's that?" I question, curious to what he's done now.
"That's the surprise darling. C'mon, the car is waiting outside." He announces getting up from his chair and sliding his shoes on.
"But Bri, I'm still in my pajamas." I mumble embarrassed at the thought of me going out like this in public.
"You look gorgeous darling, c'mon, we've got to go."
And with that, I follow him out with only a coat, shorts, and sandals on. Very fashionable if I do say so myself.


"K close your eyes." He demands as we continue down a dirt road. I eye him funny at his request.
"Just do it." He laughs grabbing my hands and holding them in front of my eyes. I giggle at his odd behavior.
I feel the car turn before making a stop. Brian carefully helps me out and stands me somewhere. I continue to see darkness until I feel a set of hands fall on top of mine.
"Open..." He whispers allowing me to regain my vision. I gasp as tears creep into my eyes. There in front of me stood an old but beautiful house. It was quite large but not as big as Freddie's and it had beautiful wooden pillars as well as a glorious garden surrounding the open yard.
"Oh my god Brian..." I whisper as I hold my hands over my mouth. He gently grabs my face and turns it to the side. There stood a mailbox by the hedge with cursive writing spelling "May."
"Brian..." I weep as happiness filled my body.
"You like it love?" He whispers walking around me til he stood in front of me. He takes my hands and pulls them away from my mouth as I continue to cry tears of joy.
"I love it..." I whisper making him smile before pressing my lips against his. He cups my face while gently wiping my tears away.
"Well, come on. We've got to see the inside." He whispers separating my lips from his. I nod with a wide smile on my face before taking his hand and entering the large wooden house.

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now