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     "Darling, go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." Brian coos as he snuggles close to me and gently strokes my bare shoulder.
     "I know but, I just can't." I sigh as Brian peppers kiss along my skin. "Do you wanna try for it tomorrow?" I ask as I the thought of the baby suddenly comes to mind.
     He stops kissing me and looks down at me in shock. "If your not exhausted enough to not do it, then I guess we could." He replies, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me up against him.
     "Okay," I reply with a small smile before pressing my lips against his in a quick but loving kiss. "Alright I'm going to bed now." I say disappointedly before shutting the lamp on my side off allowing the darkness to fill in the surrounding area.
     "Good night Mrs May." He whispers in my ear before planting a kiss on my jawline. He then lays his head down and falls asleep with his arm still wrapped around me.
     'God this came so much quicker than I thought. It's all happening tomorrow! Well, technically we were already married because of the marriage license but this was totally different. We were going to say our vows in front of everyone! I hope I don't screw everything up... like I always do.'
     These thoughts swarmed throughout my head until I passed out from exhaustion.

     "Izzy, wake up. We need to go get our make up and hair done at your friends...Izzy!" I hear someone whisper loudly right in my ear making me slightly annoyed.
     "What? Why..." I groan, my eyes still closed and my mind still hazy.
     "Um... your wedding?"
     I spring up from my position to see Josie, Ava, and Hope all standing in front of me dressed in their day clothes. "Oh my god. What time is it!" I whisper so I don't wake Brian up.
     "7:30" Josie says looking down at her watch then back up at my shocked face.
     "Shit..." I mutter, hopping out of bed and racing into my closet looking for something suitable to wear. As I finish changing, I hurry back towards the bed to wake brian up.
     "Brian dear, get up. You need to get ready with your mates." I whisper as I brush a few curls from his face. He scrunches his face before opening his eyes to find me.
     "What?" He groans as he pulls a yawn.
     "Get ready. I'll be at Veronica's. Love you." I say before pecking him on the lips and hurrying away towards the hallway with the girls following me.
     As we hurry down the steps, I run into Roger already sitting down at the table eating breakfast. "Oh izzy, I was gonna ask if I could bring my friend today. Kira." He asks with a mouthful of toast.
     "Uh yeah sure. Tell her I said hi too. Bye Rog." I quickly say before hurrying to the dresses in their bags hung up on the end of the railing. I grab the boxes of shoes and pass them out to the girls, grab a makeup bag or two, and gather some hair rolls.
     "Do we have everything?" Hope asks as we glance around the house for anything else we would need.
     "Who has the rings?" Josie asks looking through her jewelry box to not find the rings designated to Brian and I.
     "Roger's holding onto them. Uhh, Ava you got the bouquets, Josie you got the jewelry, and Hope did you bring the nail polish?" I ask pointing to her.
     "Yep, I think we got everything." She says holding up her box of nail polish. We look around one more time before sliding our casual shoes on and hurrying out the door towards the awaiting limo.
     Climbing in, the driver takes us towards Veronica's house.


     "Hope, how're the flowers doing?" I ask as Josie curls my hair.
     "The sunflowers are doing great as well as the tulips. Oh and the roses are in the sun right now while the dahlias are being placed with the sunflowers. That's what you wanted right?" She asks from the kitchen as she ties the boutiques together with white ribbon.
     "Yep, thank you dear. Does anyone know if the food is already at the hill?"
     "Jack called and said he's at the hill. Everything is either in a cooler or a crockpot waiting for the guests." Josie replies as she pulls a roll from my hair, creating a beautiful curl.
     "Great! Did anyone hear from the boys?" I ask as Josie finishes the last curl.
     "Uh, John said he was already there with Roger but nothing about Brian or Freddie." Veronica replies while she creates white roses on the two feet tall cake.
     "Okay, we have two hours. We'll be fine." I say, getting up and heading over to my makeup bag and mirror. As I look into my reflection, I admire the beautiful white flower crown in the back of my head, separating the curls from the rest of my head. "Oh my god Josie, this is gorgeous!" I exclaim before taking a tube of mascara out and fanning my lashes with it.
     "I've done a few weddings in my time. But thanks Iz." She replies as she begins to place the rolls in Hopes hair. "What's Ava doing?" She asks looking around for the missing family member.
     "I'm here!" She shouts from the bathroom prior to coming out in the silver bridesmaid dress and shoes. Her hair perfectly done as well as her makeup. "Iz, this dress is so beautiful!"
     "Well you look beautiful in it darling. My friend Mary helped pick them out." I say my mood suddenly changing at the mention of Mary.
     "Well she's got great taste. Is she coming to the wedding?"
     "I'm not sure. I hope so." I reply as I apply gold eyeshadow to my lid. The gold would go with the dress perfectly.
     I take one last look in the mirror after slapping some natural pick lipstick on my lips and placing long diamond earrings in my ears. Satisfied with the look, I hurry towards the bathroom to try the dress on.
     After slipping the under dress on, I quickly put the actual dress on. After zipping it up, I look at myself in the tall mirror and almost burst into tears. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.
     I slip my heels on as well as a bracelet that my father gave to me years ago. The curls hung nicely at my shoulders while the crown completed the look. My rings were on, my chain was attached around my neck, and I looked as beautiful as ever.
     "Come on out hon, we wanna see you!" Ava shouts from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath, breathing back tears before opening the door to reveal all the girls awaiting me.
"Oh... my... god..." says Hope with her jaw dropped and eyes wide.
I smile while they all gazed up and down at the gold and white dress. Josie breaks down in tears as I did a little turn to show the final product.
"You look...beautiful." Ava cries, tears filling her eyes.
"Hey don't cry! Your makeup will run!" I warn as Josie and Ava both gently pat their eyes avoiding the color on their lids.
"I can't believe you're the same girl from high school." Says Veronica as she begins to tear up as well. "You're so gorgeous."
"Alright alright, I got a groom and you all have husbands/boyfriends waiting for you as well. We should be getting to the altar." I say, shaking my head at their silly behaviors.
     "You're right but first... picture!" Hope sequels, pulling her camera out from her bag and positioning all of us in a tight group. "Say Team Bride!"
     "Team Bride!" We say in unison as the camera flashes at our eyes.
     "Let's Rock this wedding!" Shouts Josie using a Queen joke making us all burst out laughing.

Omg!! I made it to 100 followers!!!! Thank you all for sticking with me and my crazy fanfics! I'm so lucky to have you guys as my followers and I hope you all stay until the final book! Love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️

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