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     "Are your eyes closed?" Josie calls to the boys who were to be the men of honor, (Freddie, Roger, John, and of course, Brian.)
     "Yes yes, they are." Roger replies making us all giggle in response. We straighten out our dresses before lining ourselves up in front of the blind men.
     "Okay, open." I announce allowing the boys to open their eyes only to be blown away by what was in front of them. John turned bright red at the sight of Veronica in her matching silver dress while Brian stared at me with his jaw dropped.
     I nudge Josie with her camera conveniently in hand. "Get a picture of this." I whisper as she nodded in a yes and stepped back to get the perfect shot of his reaction.
     "Brian dear say something." I giggle as his cheeks grow red and his eyes begin to water. I smile brightly as I slowly approach him, his eyes following my body as I did so.
     "Oh my god..." he whispers eyeing me up and down in awe. "Izzy, You..." He stutters, unable to get his words out as tears slowly streamed down his eyes.
     I stand inches away from him allowing me to raise my arms and cup his watered face. "Awww, don't cry love." I coo as I gently rubbed the tears from his cheeks with my thumb.
     "Your just... so beautiful I can't believe... I'm gonna be the one to marry you." He sniffs, his words making my eyes water.
     "Stop that, your gonna make my makeup run with your precious words." I chuckle, taking a hand and catching a falling tear from my eyes. He gently grasps my waist, pulling me closer as I played with his beautiful curls that I adored since day one.
     "If the guests can take their seats and the weds take their positions at the altar, we will be starting shortly." The Justice of Peace speaks into the mic, allowing everyone to grow quiet as they took their seats.
     Brian and I quickly broke apart and went our separate ways followed by the bridesmaids and boys. I take my place at the end of the long carpet laid out on the grass. A small breeze made my curls dance in the wind. Hope handed me my bouquet before quickly returning back to her place at the altar.
     Freddie takes his place at the piano before playing the wedding march which was when I took my first steps down the aisle. All the guests turned around to see me walk past them, my dress following me closely behind.
     As the beautiful notes of the piano played and the dim sunset lit the sides of people's faces, something inside of me clicked. I was so happy in the moment, that I had just noticed I had reached the altar and was standing right in front of Brian.
     The justice clears his voice before starting. "We are gathered here today..." I guess I zoned out through that whole line because of what was presented in front of me: the most beautiful man in the world. 'Oh my god, I was gonna be a Curry for only a few minutes before permanently becoming a May!'
     "Isabelle Curry and Brian May first fell in love in the spring on 1971 at their high school located in London. The two loved each other in every way possible. There were some distractions along the way such as Brian playing for the famous rock band Queen and Isabelle trying to be a supportive girlfriend. It was on September 16, 1977 when Brian May asked Isabelle Curry to be his wife in the city of love located in Paris France. Ever since then, major events have occurred, and yet they still seemed to manage it and be together..." I smile at the little recap of our relationship, almost making me cry again. "You may now state your vows." He approves allowing Brian to take a deep breath before going first.
     "Isabelle Curry," He starts, taking my hands in his and staring deeply into my joy filled eyes. "Ever since I met you, you were officially the love of my life. I supported you through all your troubles and you did the same in return. I love you for your personality and how much love you make me feel. I wish to be with you until the day I die and I will continue to support you in any decisions you have make in the near future. I take this ring..." he pauses and takes the ring from Rogers hand. "As a sign of our marriage and my love towards you." He finishes, placing the ring on my ring finger of my left hand, right next to my engagement ring.
"Do you accept this ring as a symbol of our undying love?" He asks as I take his hand in mine once again.
I small smile spreads across my face as I say the two words I've always dreamed of saying. "I do."
'It was now my turn.'
"Brian May, I first laid my eyes on you during first period on January 11th of 1971." I start, getting a few laughs from the audience. "I knew right then and there that you were the one, the one that would make me feel the love I never really received. You have been nothing but amazing throughout our relationship. Even though dating a rockstar was difficult, we managed to get through it and I will continue until the day I die. I will love and cherish you for the rest of my life and will be the loving wife you deserve. I take this ring..." I start, taking the ring from Veronica's hand and holding it between my fingers. "As a symbol of our love and relationship until death do us part." I slip the ring onto his left finger, watching him smile as I do so. "Brian May, do you take this ring and accept this marriage until the day we die?"
He pauses with a smile before replying. "I do." He says making me smile bigger.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." And with that, Brian pulls me into a loving kiss. I could hear the cheers and see the flashes as the kiss carried on. We finally parted for air which was when I took the bouquet from Veronica and threw it into the crowd resulting in a cousin of mine catching it.
     "I'm a May!" I shout before kissing Brian again. He chuckles as I break the kiss at the remembrance of something. "Happy Birthday!" I congratulate, remembering it was his birthday today.
     "That's today isn't it? Completely forgotten." He jokes before kissing me once again. The kiss was broken by people coming towards the altar to congratulate us. Brian's mother and father both hug me and welcome me to the family as some of my relatives congratulated me.
     "Congratulations honey! I'm so proud of you!" My mom cries, as she pulls Brian and I into a hug.
     "Hey izzy!" I hear from behind me and find Roger standing close behind me.
     I excuse myself from the hug before approaching him. "Yes?" I ask.
     "Wanna meet Kira?"
     "Oh sure!" I reply trying my best to be happy for him when inside, I was a bit upset. Not by the fact that it wasn't me but that fact that it should be Dominque.
     "Kira, meet Izzy." He says grabbing her hand allowing her to turn around to face me.
     "Oh, um I have to go to the bathroom first. Be right back." She says, quickly turning around and hurrying in the grass towards the rest area by the side of the road.
     "Roger..." I say as I let the glimpse of her face soak into my brain.
    "Doesn't she look awfully familiar?" I ask, wondering who she looked like.
    "I thought the same thing. But I can't seem to put my finger on it. Then again, we have been seeing each other for a month now so I think I would've noticed by now. She's pretty great if you ask me."
    "Oh my god..." I mumble as it suddenly hit me. Roger looks at me puzzlingly as I stare in shock.
    "Roger your a fucking idiot. That's Lucy..." I murmur as Rogers eyes grew wide in shock as he realized the person he was seeing was the girl who had ruined my high school years.
     "Fire!" I hear someone from the crowd call out followed by multiple screams. I spin around to find the grass on one side of the hill up in flames.
     The screams rang out throughout the entire scent as people fled the scene towards their cars. "Izzy!" I hear from behind me as I catch a glimpse of Brian squeezing through the crowd to get to me.
     "Brian!" I call back as I try to make my way through the thick crowd of people. As we meet each other, he encloses me in a tight grasp, allowing the people to swerve around us. "We gotta get outta here!" 'Yeah no shit izzy.'
     "What about the fire?! It'll spread throughout the entire countryside!" He yells as the screams of people grow louder.
     "There's not a phone for miles! We have no way of contacting the police!" I shout back as cars we pulling out of the grass and making their way towards the road back to London.
     "Everyone! Head towards the city! We'll meet you at our house!" Brian calls out to everyone who was still climbing into their vehicles.
     Everything was burning. The flowers, the table cloths, the aisle, everything. I hold Brian close as he checks to make sure everyone is away from the fire. The heat from the flames hit my face, causing me to break out into a sweat as Brian continued to scan the premise.
     "Everyone's gone. Lets go." He finalizes before turning around, with me in hand, and racing towards the car.
     Paparazzi and news reporters were already showing up to the scene with their flashing cameras and cameramen, including the police.
     "Brian May! How did the scene begin?" "Brian May! Was anyone hurt?" "Brian May! Do you find this to be the worse day of your life?"
     Questions were being thrown from every direction as we made our way towards the awaiting limo. Police tried to stop us but due to the fact that Brian was one of the most famous people in the country, they let us slip by without questioning.
     As we drove away from the scene, fire engines were trying to stop the spreading fire but it was all happening too slow for the element. The last thing I saw was tons of people with their cameras, recording the action for news that was sure to be on when we reach the awaiting house.

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now