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     He helps me out of the car as we make our way towards the flat. As soon as we reach the inside of our home, I notice the rings and chain still sitting on the coffee table where I had left them.
     Looking down at my fingers, I see a tan line where the rings sat for almost 5 years. Well, the first ring yes but the engagement ring was only on my finger for 2 months and already there was a mark.
Tears begin to fill my empty eyes at the remembrance of our past friendship... before I fucked it up. He hugs me and holds me close to him as I continue to silently cry.
'Told you...' a voice inside me says. It sounded a lot like my dad. That made me cry even more.
"There there love. It's okay, I promise..." he whispers as he pats my shoulder sympathetically. There was that word again... promise. The word that I couldn't hold in my word or keep with my soul. The word that broke my happiness and brought back the darkness. The word... that I hate the most.
" it's not..." I weep as I try to wipe away the wetness off my cheeks. "I fucked everything up. I... I don't deserve to be here right now... especially with you..." I mumble trying to push him away from me.
"Darling..." He coos holding me tighter as I try my best to escape his warm grasp. "I know why you did it... and I forgive you. I always will..."
"That's the problem... you shouldn't have to forgive me. If I were you, I'd hate me for the rest of my life. How can you be so okay with all of this?"
"I know you better than anyone else. I know you have standards when it comes to happiness, you were just following your heart and your heart messed up your brain."
He then slowly walks me towards the couch where we sat next to each other in silence. I stare at the rings, the light reflecting off the diamond and twinkling in my eye.
He notices my staring so he leans foreword and grabs ahold of the jewelry. "I love you very much Isabelle May." He whispers as he places the necklace around my neck and securing it there. "You are the smartest, most beautiful, and amazing girl I have ever met." He continues, this time taking ahold of my right hand and sliding the friendship ring on my middle finger. "And finally, you're my only source of happiness in this lonesome world and I thank you for that." He finalizes, while gently lifting my left hand and sliding the engagement ring back on.
I breathe a deep sigh as I feel the rings on my fingers once again. His hands move over to my left hand before holding it in his palms. I look up to him with tears in my soft eyes.
It was that moment that I knew, he was telling the truth. Not only that, he forgave me so easily making my anxiety slowly fade away.
"Are...are you... being serious right now?" I stammer as the words get caught in my sore throat. He doesn't reply for a bit, instead he brushes a piece of hair behind my ear before cupping one side of my face.
"Have I ever lied to you?"
I had to think about that question for a bit before showing a small smile responding with a small "no." The fact that's he's never lied to me and I've lied to him countless times is just so messed up. The anxiety slowly crept back into my system, Brian could tell.
"Hey... look at me..." He demands allowing me to avert my eyes to his, giving him my full attention. "What you did... yeah, it was messed up but that doesn't change the way I love you and how much I love you. Your still the same rare jewel I fell in love with on day one."
I smile at the mention of me being a quote on quote "rare jewel." I eye him with a small smirk on my face. "Since when did you get into poetry?" I ask making him chuckle as he tried to hold back tears.
"Ever since I fell head over heels for you." He replies allowing a tear to accidentally fall on his cheek. I smile before gently wiping the droplet from his chiseled face.
For some weird reason, I look down to his lips as if we were back in high school and didn't normally kiss. He does the same before carefully pulling my face towards his and crashing his lips on mine.
This kiss... it was like magic. Like glitter and all that. It felt like a doorway in that dark black room had been opened, revealing the light that was my amazing fiancé. He breaks the kiss to look into my eyes.
"I love you so much Mrs. May." He whispers followed by a wink. I blush at my future name that I was still able to obtain.
"I love you too Mr. May." I whisper back before pressing my lips against his once more. In that moment, I felt a little... happy. Not as happy as before because that weight was still there but I did indeed feel happiness. "And I'm so so sorry..." I add, briefly separating from his soft lips.
"I know why you did it... I understand your generosity towards others, wanting them to feel the same happiness that you possess. I forgive you... always..." he says while moving his hands towards my cut up arms. He gently rubs them, allowing yet another tear to fall. "Izzy, please don't ever do this to yourself again. It breaks my heart more then your mistake." He whispers, looking down at the dried blood slathered up and down my arms.
     "Here, let me wash my arms. The blood is starting to flake off a bit." I announce, gently pulling my arms away from him as I get up and head towards the bathroom.
     Turning the faucet, I let the water turn a bit warmer before submerging my arms under the running liquid. The warm water stung my wounds as I carefully rub the blood off. As the little flakes leave my skin, I was able to see the cuts marked closely to the scars from a few years ago.
     Quickly turning the water off, I dry my arms and make my way back to the couch where Brian was waiting for me patiently. Taking a seat back down on the couch, I examine the washed cuts up and down my forearms.
     "Do you think I need to go to rehab now?" I question as I continue to eye the lines. He purses his lips before taking my left hand in his right one.
     "I think... all you need is a bit of love." He whispers seductively before softly kissing my neck. I let out a shaky breath as he slowly begins to suck on me.
"Brian..." I sigh as his kisses grow more sweet and passionate. I feel him smile as his kisses travel down my neck to my collar bone... my sweet spot. "No no.... not now..." I whisper in between small gasps as he gently nibbles the bone.
"I can't wait to marry you my dear..." is all he replies before kissing my lips and taking me to the bedroom to... "wind down." 😉

Okay...I'm stumped yet again! So I have a question for all you amazing fans... if they were to have a child... which gender should it be? I seriously don't know and it's driving me mad! Please comment your requests on this chapter or feel free to message me as well. Thank you so much everyone!! ❤️❤️

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now