when we first met continued

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I headed to the elevators. I met oh look theres my friend kookie....

: hey kookie were are you headed?

Jungkook: i was called into Mr. Kims office i am sorta scared what the hell fos ehe want me for like i didnt do anything wrong ....oh wiat it might have been that whisky bottle i took from the dinner shit i am so dead....

Y/n: your so stupid ... But same i was called into his office too but this time i think i am foreal going to get fired i was almost late againnnnn FUCK MY LIFE .....

Jungkook:bitch shut up i took whiskey i am dead.. Aiiishsh ok what ever lets see what this hoe wants...

We went into the elevators as it got closer to the floor we were getting off at my heart was pounding faster and faster i felt sick to my stomach. If i get fired what will i do i can't get another job idk how to do anything else then be here all day everyday.
I guess we wilm see what happens now...

Mr.Kim: come on in guys... I have some important news to tell you before our guest gets here. You see as you know a big CEO like myslef needs help around here and recently decided to partner up with another big shot like myslef to help out.

Y/N: Mr.Kim i see what you mean but what dose that have to do with me and Mr.Jeon?

Mr.Kim:Well you see Ms.Y/l/N and Mr.Jeon youve both worked extremely hard for many years and i am greatful for that,But..

Ahhhhhj shit here it comes goodbye office ,goodbyeee swingy chair,goodbye cofee nobody likes...

Mr.kim: i want Mr.Jeon to my personaly assistant...

Junkook: uhhhh meeee omg thank you Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: AND as for you Ms you will be my new partners assistant...
Secretary: uh Mr.kim Mr. kim Namjoon is here!


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