"baby girl in bed i am not joonie i am your fucking DADDY"

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Namjoon picked me up bridal style up into his bedrrom the same yellow silky sheets in that big king bed. Love the color... The room was filled with mango and fresh sents... Flower pedals all over... In the bed there was also bedals in the shape of heart...  Well it looks to me like he had alot of time on hia hands maby thats why he was late...

 He lied about the whole office shiznit to grant me this big surprise... The most romantic thing anyone has done for me... but enough was enough I am giving this man my all and tonight was gonna really prove it tbh with you I am really nervouse this man may be cute and romantic in many ways outside the bedroom I don't know what he will do now that he is certain I am his....

" now your gonna do everything I say ok I want you to be comfortable if possible if not I am sorry not sorry>>" he winked at me as he layed me down in his bed gently kissing my neck.... he got up I whimpered for him to come back but he went into his closet I was so eager to find out what he was gonna do but I was also very terrified to see what he has planned to do to poor old me. 

A few seconds late the came out with two pieces of cloth not what I thought handcuffs no it was two pieces of cloth and holy shit was that a fucking dildo wtf oh shit now there's defeinatly no escape. I looked up at him with eyes widened in response of what I saw.

 he gave me a very, very dirty smirk. oh god he was so sexy when he dose that. But that still didn't take away the fact that I might die today I never used those things in my life.

I got up from laying down and he rushed over to me putting down the things he had in hand then pinning me to his bed I felt his warm breath over my ear, he turned to face me in the eyes his eyes already hungry with lust for me. 

he was hard and I felt it. he started to kiss my neck then sucking gently but hard enough to leave gentle love marks moving down to my lower stomach leaving the wet sensation of his mouth all over my body. he quickly stopped when reached my women hood. whyyyyyyyyyy!

" KIM NAMJOON WHY THE FUCK DID YOU STOP!" I cried (almost in a yell that is) he gave me a devilish smile that when I knew I and fucked up and I fucked up big time.....

" excuse me, young lady is that a way to talk to your daddy, do you think that was at all ok ?" 

oh fuck ........

" do you know what that means baby girl?" I shook my head hoping he would say something else....

" well baby doll talking to daddy by his first name in bed hmmm not such a great idea is it now.. daddy has to punish now darling..." 

oh no here it comes..

he went to go pick up something from the floor and then he places it in the bed it was that fucking dildo... he dropped it in the matress again he goes in the bed on top of m making me suffer again teasing me as always. he did the same shit turning me on even more. he was now removing all of my cloths now i was completely naked I was to eager to see his naked body as well but as if he new what I wanted in a split second he started to undress himself too... everything is happening too fast too soon. hut I was liking were this was headed. he tied one of my hands to the head of the bed into one side and the other in the oposite direction.

 I literally had no control over what was about to happen now. he picked the dildo up and teased my down there I was wiggling all over I wanted him but I had to fuck it up and get myself punished.... he then strapped it around my waste and it was in my now the vibrating sensation was pain full he put full power I wasn't getting used to he left for a few minute I suddenly felt so much pleasure I was sure I was gonna cum any time soon ..... 

" daddy I a---- mm about to c-ummmm" I yell moaned  at him

he was watching me he whole time with not a single peep he was rubbing his dick very soft making himslef even harder. he was just I his boxers but his dick was like pleading to b released he walked over to me and unstrapped that piece of shit before I could cum. he leaned hunger in his eyes and said...

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