The Date.... well.... this is how it went ...

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overwelmed with many emotions with Namjoon's confession had me tide up In knots .  i still cant believe how long he has been feeling this way for me and ughh should I even tell  how I feel towards him. or should I wait?


my thoughts trailed off ....

Namjoon: so we haven't talked about your feelings yet, I don't know if you feel the same way or maby I am freaking you out plz tell me your not quiting your job because of me..... he claimed very worried and I could tell he was very nervous...

Y/N:   were on earth did you get he idea I was gonna quit my job, Namjoon listen to me if I didn't say anything before it was ebcasue I was afraid of the outcome. I was afraid that all you wanted me was for sex. I even thought of never telling you and just keeping it to myself and no one else well ofc Hobi he is my bestie so idk..... but now that you have confessed this to me I must confess something as well. I have started feeling things for you and yes ill admit I do love you with my whole heart but,...

Namjoon:  but what ?

Y/N; but don't you think its risky what if Taehyung fires me what are people gonna think of you dating a cominer like me..... I started up tearing up again...

Namjoon : nononoonononononononon baby look at me, listen to me and listen to me closely  as long as I love you and you love me theres is noting that will come in my way to keep you close in my arms and in my bed wink wink wink. he winks at me making me blush all over my face.......  then he said ........... listen and about the public who tf cares people always going to talk ok so dotn worry about that bullshit alright and about Mr.Kim we need to go talk to him your good friends with him no? I am sure he will understand I hope lets be positive from now on please....

Y/N: I guess your right, and I will try to be positive about this situtuion. ok ?

Namjoon; OK princess so were do you wanna go for our first date?

awww he called me princess and idk were should we go once again he interrupts my thoughts 

Namjoon: hmmm how about we go to dinner or maby a movie?

Y/N: hmmm hey baby why not do both lets have dinner first and then go to movie theres a movie theater that open 24 hrs...

Namjoon:  hmm all night with you yes I am upper down to do that.  hhmm I know this intimate place with they have really great pizza or is there something you want to eat?

Y/N: no pizza sounds great lets go...

We headead to the pizza place it was so old school I loved it we spent hrs and hrs talking and eating when we both deicided we were full we headed out to the movies and we got everything we needed.

 we got pop and popcorn and he said to wait for him bc the movie we were gonna see was a surprise hmm I wonder which it is ? knowing him its gonna be kinky or who knows he might really surprise me.... 

we entered the movie once the preveiwes were done and there was no one in there hold on did he rent the whole thing just for us... wait no I see people...

 Namjoon grabbed my hand as I was gonna sit down he looked up to let me know that we were going all the way in the back ohhhh shiiiiit. we sat down and there was no one but like three couples and they are were not easy to see who it was that was two guys that looked familiar hmmm oh well maby I don't know who they are.

 Namjoon lets go of my hand and sits to grabb the popcorn almost hugging it. the image was just too cute omg I could not help but smile. he rusns to look at me and then smiles showing off his dimples. god hes so adora le I just was to kiss him all the time. 

 Anyway the movie started and it scared the shit out of me and namjoon and finally I knew which one it was it was called after a movie about a girl losing her virginity to some guy she met at a party and she neded up falling in love with her I saw the trailor on youtube.           

I noticed Namjoon a little nervous tho  when they were kissing he had a slight smirk on his face I turned quickly to watch the scene then I felt his hand touching my thigh god knows that's what turns me on the most little by little he started going higher and higher up to when he reached my private part the movie was loud but I wasn't prepared what was about to happen.

 He slid his long cold hands inside my pants and into my panties and one finger at a time he fingered me there I wanted to moan loud I was feeling so much pleasure I wanted to rip his cloths of and fuck him there at the movie theater but no I couldn't I must try to control myself but, then he inserted another making me want to moan more  and louder he was smirking the whole dam time he was enjoying this wasn't he..... 

God he is so fucking sexy I was about to loose it when he suddenly just stops.... he grabs my hand and drags me out of there back to his car...

Y/N; wowowow baby whats the hurry? putting in my seatbelt  out of breath because literally we ran to his car...

Namjoon: sss-ssorry baby but my buddy is in huge huge need of help....... 

he pointed to his pants I can see the huge boner he had fuccckkkkkk I think he read my mind in how bad I wanted him I reach for his hand stopping him from turning on the car and kiss him seductuvly sliring my toung all over his hot sexy motuh he stared inot my eyes full of lust god I cant wait he stopped me from going further he said he wotn be able to control himself if I keep going he said to wait till we get the hotel then he says

Namjoon: tonight there will be no escape, you here no escape at all tonight babgirl we are going all the way... he winks at me making me all horny again...

ohhhh hot was I in for a great juicy hard treat......                                                                                                                     


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quick note having an update every Wednesday!!!!! Be ready

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