Lost Dream....

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The day was coming to an end, the time was tucking, and I was becoming more and more impatient.

 I didn't know if she was ok or not, the surgery was still going on and I was not receiving any type of news Hope and Yonge were by my side not leaving me as time went.

 After that incident with me fainting they did not bother leaving me alone.

 I was tired and hungry but no way in hell was I to leave. I needed to know what was happen Ning but again another 5 hrs. past and there was no news.

After a few minutes that I had the last cup of coffee the surgent came out, his face was sadden... all I could think of was the worst possible situations my mind was all over the place I didn't even here what the ducat was saying.... Until I snapped out.

"Mr. Kim, I have good and bad news.... "

"doc just spill it out I can't bare waiting any longer just tell me!"

"well, the good news is that y/n is ok! But the unfortunate news is that, since the tumor was around the uteruses the tumor caused many complications and well now because of that.... I really sorry..." he paused "y/n is not going to be able to get pregnant...:"



Jhope tried to calm me down...... all I heard was that I wants going to be a dad, being a dad was my long long desired dream... 

Now I wouldn't be able to. My heart ached was I never to be happy with the love of my life... I fell to my knees crying uncontrol.... All I wanted was to cry and cry.... I am just relieved that she is ok that is all that matters now....

I got up....

" doctor can can we see her now?" I said in a shaky voice

" at the moment it's not really convenient to see her she just got to the recovery room, I'll send someone to come and get you after a couple hrs. if you need to go home get some sleep get freshen up and come back, it will be a while."

" ok, thank you sir for everything, sorry about yelling at you it really wasn't your fault at all"

" it's quite alright, I completely understand it wasn't easy hearing things like that its always tough, my condolences to your situation I'll see you soon I have to take care of other patients."

" thank you so much doctor, once again" then hob and yoongie said

" namjoon, I really think you should go home and freshen up. you need at least a nap me and Hobi will say and will contact you if anything." yoongie told me handing me my phone and jacket.

" no that's ok you guys go ahead I am ok"

" no Namjoon no, you are not! please go we will do that after you we are ok, you're the one that is suffering the most" Jhope said

I did as I was told like a little boy getting scolded by his parents I went into my car; the car still had her sent and made me cry again I missed her a lot. yeah so what it was a couple of hours, but when one is in love all you want to do is be with that person.

 I couldn't bare being without her... as I drove through the many streets I started to think, yeah, the not having kids is painful but how will she take I. 

how on earth am I going to break it to her. this was just going to break her, what will I say to her? will she go through depression? 

 will she ever except it I don't want her worry about it, I am torn I am break down into tears and soon it started to rain hard with thunder and lightning as I drive. I see the electrifying sight of were the lightning hits, there's points where I can't see where I am going... 

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