From Bad To Worse

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Time laps/,.';[] (4 years)

for the past few years I was living in vain, and just when I thought things were going to get better well lets just say life is just not fair. things with Namjoon were I guess were from lovers to just a cold Boss and a poor asisstant that was there just to serve as he pleased. 

He treated me like any other employee cold and he couldn't even look at me in the eyes. so then I thought to myself hmm maybe he has indeed forgotten about me this time which I kept telling myself that it was for the best, but that wasn't truly what I felt. I really thought things had changed until one Friday afternoon....

OH thank God I was almost out since the project had successfully been out into the offices all around the world the paper work was literally non stop I was the one in charge of making everything spotless with Jins help ofc and Jimin, oh chim chim me and him have been getting closer and closer, he would tell me all the times that he had to deal with Taehyung and his lovers it turns out that he is bi he likes both men and women. hmm glad to say I am not really surprised lol....

I was in the middle of having my last paper revision when jimin barges in not knowing that Namjoon was in the room with me...

" ya Li, there is going to be free margaritas tonight at EXO's CLUB you in?.......oh shit sorry Namjoon I didn't realize you were in here..."

" see your way out theres tons of work to get done" he said without emotion 

jeez talk about him being a jerk .. I thought to myself 

jimin looked at me and mouth "ill text you!" and winked goodbye..

i finally finished revising the paper and handed to Namjoon....

" Please sighn this I can give this paper to Jimin and after ill be on my way, have a good night."

he sighned the papers without looking at me... ok well I guess thats just how things are...

i walked down to Jimin's office and he was already to leave I quickly put on my jacket on..

" ok hun , lets go to your  home and get ready for the club bitch !"

" hold up there chim chim what about you need to change too,"

" oh hun as if you don't know me! I already got my shit here on the gogo. lmaooo now lets get you sexy!"

sometimes I even think Jimin is Gay but he reassures me he's not. ill just have to trust him anyway he invited Hobi as well.

 I was getting ready and the week before I had done my hair and it was still looking fresh I just styled in differently then i did some type of makeup ive learned in the James Charles channel. and these new shoes I had gotten from Hobi for my birthday three years ago.  the dress was blak off the shoulders type of thing I never would wear but Jimin made me wear it..... 


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