Nothing but an Angel😊

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I woke up once again in Namjoons bed but this time i was in his arms all cuddled up... He looked so innocent as he is sleeeping. It was indeed the next day it was sunday i must go home as soon as possble. I nugged Namjoon a bit so that he would wake tf up...
Y/N: Namjoon wake up i need to go home...

Namjoon rubbing his eyes says ... Hmmm says who with a smirk on his face...

Yn: sirously Namjoon i must go please....

Namjoon: ok ok babygirl get dressed and ill drop you off ok..
I nodded i got dressed as quickly as possble so that we get there fast we got to him fancy black lambo and drove off his place wasnt far it was 7 blocks away from my house wth..... Great now he knows were i live.... We finalky got to my place i live with my roomate Hobi that boy brings me so much joy always has a sunshine smile and dimpples makes anyone happy he was so handsome but he has a boyfriend .... Yes he is gay...... But i am hapoy for him ive known him and yoongie his mans since for ever but they started dating 7 months ago..... By far the cutest shit ever..... Anyways I rang the bell bc i just simply cannot find my dumbass keys.... Hobi opened the door holding a cold glass of what i assume is sprite ...

Hobi: well well well were have you been miss....
He didnt notived Namjoon standing behind me untill he literally yanked my arm and back hugged me....
Namjoon irriated said

Namjoon: hmmm and you are ????

Hobi: oh me i am j hope or you can call me hobi....

Namjoon: ummm i need an explanation and i need it now i thought you lived alone.....???

YN: nooo this is my friend Hobi he is my roomate and long long time friend....

Hobi: yes long time friends.... My man Yoongie and i know this little person since kids ....

With a side of relief Namjoons grip loosens

Namjoon:  well its great pleasure to meet you j hope... Now i must get going i have a meeting to discuss the bamboo buisanis to sell for the zoos for pandas ill give you a call...... Eyeing me ....he wavessss goodbyeee

No lie but i think i was not breathing the whole time i thought i was gonna pass out right there and then.... Walking inside hobi grabbs my hand and sits next to me on the couch....

Hobi: so whats the deal with you two huh?

YN:  iiiii--i dont know what your talking about Hobi thats my boss he simply just dropped me offff...


YN:  finee we had sex and it was sooo fucking  gooooood Hobi ii think i am really falling for this man............



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