The End To The Beginning

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             Its been days since the accident with the whole witch of Namjoons mother. Namjoon has been very cold with everyone even me. He literally would come home and just straufght to his room not wanted to interact with anyone he ate in our room. And took a shower and went to bed he was very distant from everyone. Itt pained me because he was not communicating with me or Shownu. It lowkey is getting very annoying. At this point i dont know what to do.

I was watchning some tv and wagtch in netlfx.. Then Shownu starts coming down the stairs coming down. Cutting me off of my thoughts...

" hey Y/n what are you thinking about so deeply?"

" well nothing really, just the fact that I know that something is wrong with Joon , but he is just not telling me anything, its been days now and he is just too distant with all of us."

Oh shit jimins wedding is next week what in the actual fuck.and Namjoon is all down and sad and i dont know what, i am confused i have no clue how to cheer him up.

" hey didnt you tell me once that Namjoon loved to go on pick nicks? Mabye it be a good idea to take him on one, and mabye just mabye he will let loose and come out to you and tell you whats been going on in his head no?"

" oh my God you are so right, Shownu you are a fuckign genuis!!!"

" oh, well not to brag but yes yes i am jajajajaja" he gave me that eye smile and i laughed at his comment..

    "  oh, well not to brag but yes yes i am jajajajaja" he gave me that eye smile and i laughed at his comment

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Yes thats what i will do. That it i need to take him out on a picknick an di found the perfect place it was a huge park and in this weather i was beautful there was cherry blossom trees everywhere and they where just gorgouse he will love this.

Today it wasnt as chilly so it was perfect for what i had planned for. I quickly went to the grocery store to get what i needed and headed home, i had baught a bottle of champagne, straberries, mango, kiwis,and stuff to make sandwitches. And of cource for desert i got a carrot cake because well why not.

I still had time i ahd 30 min left before Namjoon got home he gets home at 6 its currently 5:30 i was practically done i packed cloths for Namjoon to change into. That way he had no choice but to go with me to that picknick, i loved this man and when he worries i worry. I just dearly hope that he likes the surprise.

Oh man holy shit he is back early i hear the carf being parked in the front of this house or castle to be honest it is pretty big. I quickly got the basket, his cloths and two blankets one for the floor and one for us. I told baltimore to keep him buissy for a bit while i got out the house.

I got out on time he looked up at me and smiled, his eyes twinkled with excitement and curioisity at the same time. I went down the stairs and Baltimore helped me out with the bags, he put them in the trunk.

" baby what is go-..." i caught him off before he said anything else almost shoving him in the car.... I got in the car i buckled my seat belt and drove off.

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