Kim Namjoon... Why Him?

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Did she just fucking say Kim Namjoon... Hell nah no it just cant be him... Kim Namjoon as in the blond haired bastard who nearly killed me two years ago...

i was headed to my work late as per usual... I ran to the bus. It was hella hot why did i decide to be late out of all days it had rained the day before so their was puddles... Redlight time to cross the street oops see the bus i quickly ran to it when this hoe almost had me sqashed

Y/N:Ya wtf is your fucking problom dont you see its a fucking red light you stupid ass mtf you nearly killed my ass..

A blonde tall man in a suit got out of the black lambo and god hes gorgouse but fucking jerk...

Unknown person: who do you think you are getting in my way like that didnt you see i was in a hurry. You gotta be more careful. Naive stupid wench why the hell would you do that. You could have killed yourself...

Y/N:Unfucking believable. Its my fault listen here hoe i am just another oedestrian trying to get to work unlike you rich annoying hoes like you we have to take public transportation so buzz of..

I waked away the bus driver new me now bc ive been late almost everyday so he waited for me... As i was getting in the blond bastared yelled out
Blonde headed bastard: you will pay for calling me out like this.. Then you will remember who Kim Namjoon is stuoid bitch...

Rolled my eyes and went to sit and off i was to work like nothing ever happend...

DAMMIT it was him the same blonde tall skinny but yet more attractive wait what am i saying... He still a hoe for almost killing me....
He entered with a big brief case even i could fit in it.

What could possbily be so big to fit in there....

Mr.Kim: Mr.Jeon, Ms. This is Namjoon. Ms this is your new boss and you wilk do everything your are told he will fill you in on eveything you must know... Got it!?

Y/N : Will do Taeh i mean Mr.Kim...
Aughfjjdhwd i was close with my boss but i wasnt allowed to call him by name at the work....
Mr.Kim: haha alright well ill leave you to it Namjoon your office is the isolated one as you asked. Ms. Desk is inside aswell!
KimNam: Great! Well Ms i think we are gonna get along just fine.. He said with a smirk on his face.
Shit i think he know who i am ughh pure tourtue being stuck all day everyday with that peice of crap.. Great just great.
We then headed to the isolated office it was nice and big never seen it before i was looking around in owe... Then Kim Namjoon startled me...
KimNam: Sooo i am guessing your freaking out about what i said the other day huh?
Shit he dose remember fuck he is for sure going to make my life a living nightmare...
Y/N: I have no idea what you are referring to Mr.Kim..
KimNam: Oh baby doll dont act as if nothing happend.

Did this bitch just call me baby doll wtf oooooooh i wnated to yell at him so many things but i remembered he was indeed my boss 😒😒... Taehyung fucked up big time and he new who this was i told him about what happend two years ago UGHDJDHEKBD

Y/N: umm... One i am not your baby doll. Two you are my boss now so forget about it.

KimNam: Hmmmmm we will see about that;)... And nono baby girl your got very rude with me last time your in my possesion now... I said you were gonna pay and baby girl your going to get punished......

Before i could even say a single word he grabbed me by my waist kissed me with so much lust and oh god his tounge feels so good but why am i feeling this way i hate this bitch why dose it feel so right but yet so wrong... We kissed for over 5 minutes fuckkk that was hot i broke the kiss.
Y/n: Mr.Kim what the hell was that this cant be why tf did you do that i am gonna ask Taehyung to switch with jungkook this cant be....
As i was leaving he gripped my wrist and got close to my ear and said
KimNam: Dont you dare babygirl... You owe me and you know it.... Your gonna be my assistant the contract has been set and theres no way back.
Fuckkkjjjjj why dose this have to happen i rather get fired than be stuck with the blonde bitch hoe bastard.

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