what happens happens....

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Its been a few weeks but Shownu is still in the hospital. The baby has stayed with me and joon. I dont mind it at all but i have seen joon get too attached with baby. It hurts it really dose becau i cant give him kids.

I have been coping with my depression and the therapy helps but it just dosnt taker the fact the its upsetting to the both of us.

Today her appa is coming ou thte hospiotal and he might end up staying with us. Joon has prepaired two rooms for both of them. I dont know how long they would stay with us but i really hope they stay long that way we can help the best we can to help raise rhe baby.

Today we planned a welcome home party for him. We invited everyone well except Taehyung he still jasnt been up front with us nor has he worked things with jungkook.

Back to them Jungkook is pretty scared of how he is going to take the news about what happened to kookie. Jungkook told me he plans to talk to him after today. Today he just wants to have fun. We decided to have a normal party just a couole pf people having drinks wings pizza and movies. Everyone was dieing to know about the baby and shownu but we decided to tell them to not ask any guestions about it instead just try to get to know him after all he is part of joons and i's life.

We baught so much food oh god i think there is going to be lots of left overs. There was wings, pasta, pizza, cake, cookies, icecream mochi, and many other things.

Even though the party was in full swing Shownu seemed very sad and depressed. He didnt say anything about it but i quickly saw it in his eyes. He missed his wife and i feel like making the party was a huge misteake. I needed to talk to him i just ddint feel right his wife did die a few days ago.....

I tapped his shoulder....

" hey Shownu can i talk to you for a sec?"

" umm yeah sure... "

I lead him to the studio everyone was buissy with the baby so they did not notice when we left to talk...

" what is it did something happen?" he asked calmly

" oh umm no not at all i just... you know i noticed you are not enjoying any of the party we threw you. Are you ok? Do you need to talk? Listen i-" i was caught off.

" y/n i know that you and Namjoon are doing the best that you can to make me feel at home. I really do appreciet it ,but my wife died a few days ago. I know that you all didnt know her as i did but she died i need time to morn her death. I dont want to be rude but i need time you see. I lost my beautiful wife. The mother of my child and to what to chase a women whom i recently found out is dead... at what cost do i have to live now i lost my job in Busan and my house we sold everything expecting somehting good to happen. I dont doubt that Namjoon is a better man then his mother but to my knowlegd she was the best mother he could ever had, and her death really hurt him, but in all sirosusniss i dont feel as though he understands all the harm she did to us espcally my wife Min-Seo suffered too much for what to belong in a family that didnt want her..."

" Shownu listen to me for once ok? Nnamjoon is nothing like his family. If anyhting he is a wonderful man who has changed and would do anything for his own family. Do you not think that if he new about Min-seo he wouldnt do what ever he could to save her to help her. Of cource he would. You have to understand that its not easy all his life he thought he was an only child who has a very horrible step brother who nearly killed me. I thought i wasnt going to make it alive. But thats a story for another day i dont think that theres any reason why now you should doubt this man who has braught you over to his house and with friends. "

He was left in shock tears falling heavily... i understand his pain i really do b ut there is nothing we can really do...

" i am sorry all you guys have done is help me and yet i am here being an ungreatful son of a bitch" he said whipping his tears away.

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