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Hobi i think i am in love with this man...
HOBI: wait if you guys had sex already and you say you falling for him wont this be a mess at the workplace wont you be into trouble...
YN: SHITTT i didnt realize that... I am just gonna keeo this to myslef Namjoon will never find out that i am falling for him. I am gonna have to bair what i am feeling to not loose my job. I must be storng and hide my feelings very well from now on i cannot let namjoon know what i feel ....

Hobi: so what you just gonna be his sex partner wtf hyja i cannot let you do this.......

YA: Hobi please dont say anything ...

Hobi:fine but if this Namjoon guy ever dares and hurts you i swear i am not gonna stay quite you here meee...

YA: Loud and clear☺☺

I suddently hear my phone beeping it was messge....

Message: princess this is Namjoon i just wanted to know if you were alright baby.

Me: oh Namjoon hi i am ok thank you...

Namjoon: i am glad i was hoping maby you want to have dinner with me???

My face turned a bright red shhiiit what now....

Me: ummm idk tonight?

Namjoon:: yess tonight please don't say no you would break my heart entirely...

Fuck now i have to say yes

Me: alright Namjoon pick me up at 7...

Namjoon: ok babygirl see you then!!! don't dress too fancy daddy is going to take you on a night you wont forget.

So after that I only had a few hours to get ready. this was going to be legit my first date with Namjoon. I am getting a bit nervous. especially with what he said oh god I am foreal going to die today.

holy shit I cannot believe I am going on a date with someone who I think I don't hate anymore. what the fuck do I even wear. dotn wear none fancy huh....... ohh shit he meant special as in hes gonna take it off oh fuck ughhhuhughughughugh what do I do. ok time to stop this and actually look for something its already five ughghgh he said 7pm.... shit shhhhhhiiiiiiit I gotta hurry ok I walk towards my closet hmm how about a white t shirt with black jeans and red converse yes ill do that... ok now what about my hair I decide to take a shower and then blow and straightn it after all I am trying to look decent. makeup somewhat natural.

By the time I was finished it was 5 minutes before he got here. DINGDONG FUCK IT MIGHT BE HIM FUCKKKK

"Hobi who is it? .... I was in the bathroom

"Haija why don't you get it wait never mind it Yoongs"

" aiish why you yelling for"

I came out to say I but ofc he prob just woke up he works night shifts as police officer at night hunts so most of the day he would be sleeping.

" hi yoongie I am almost out so yall can be alone alright..." wink wink wink

I went back to my room it was past seven and Namjoon hasn't texted me not even once or called and hasn't been here he said 7pm sharp wtf he stood me out !!!!!!!!!!!

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