Truth Untold

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Y/N NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I was without a doubt in shock i couldn't move for a split second. Through my head went all those times we spent together. All our dates, our fights everying was flashing through my eyes.

Sirens of firefighters police officers was all i could hear. What i had just experienced, i never would had thought i would be seeing. I hesitantly ran to were she was standing. The doctors, yoongie and jhope ran behind me... 

As to what i was about to see was really unexpected. There was a bunch of firefighters holding y/n as they brought her down from the trampoline and covering her with a blanket. I felt like a huge rock was lifted up from my chest. 

I quickly dashed and ran to the stairwell down i went skipping steps.... I reached the bottom the first thing i did was run to her....

 I took her off the firefighters arms and into mine holding her tighter not wanting to let her go ever.

" dont you dare scare me like that ok!" Tears streaming down my cheeks, i smashed my lios into hers.

" sir we need to take her inside making sure she is fully ok." I nodded not wanted to let go..

" may i take her in " i said

Y/n was in somewhat in a shock. We went throught many people looking at what they thought was a show pushing them out my way to take my girl in.

We took her to the room and they reconnected everything to her. This time i wanst leaving i wasnt going to risk losing her again.

They had given her a laxidive so she could be able to sleep. I just sat there staring at her beauty thinking about what life would be without her, but there was one thing i just could not. 

There isnt a day when i am eager to wake up next to her, hug her, kiss her, make love to her.... I am really this pethitic i cant even keep my own girlfriend happy for once.

She layed there almost lifeless. But breathing. She stayed like this for a couple hrs and now its night time i was feeling a bit tired but i didnt want to leave.... Hobi and yoongie offered to stay but no way in hell was i to leave again. .. What if the firefighter were never there . What could it had been of her. Ugh i cant keep

For now i need to stay strong for her for everyone here. I know that i am and can be able to feel weak at time, but now it wasnt the way to go.

It has been a little bit more time now and she hasnt woken up the docit sadi tat as soon as she wakes we can take her home na dtake care of her there. We need to see a therapist after what happend in today. I felt my eyes slowly closing as i was very tired. I tried so hard to stay awake but no use.

I was shook by a fragile hand which it was Y/N she finally woke up.

" baby what are you doing uo get back to the bed." i said

" Namjon i am fine, i really am" she said

" your fine? Really? How can you say that when i almost lost you again." i felt myself crying uncontroably...

" N-NNamjoon i am sorry......" was all she managed to say before falling to her knees crying infrot of my knees as i was still sitting.

" baby just tell me something.... Why did you want to end your life? Did you not think that i was going to eb hurting. You were going to leave Hobi without a bestfrind. Me without a girlfred and you thoguth this was ok?"

" Namjoon i am sorry i really dont know what i was thiking i guess i just thought that life would be better if i was gone that way you didnt have to live witht he burden of me. I am not havign kids and thats just hprrible like i said before i fel like i have failed the love of my life. Like i have failed myself. I know that you told me that it was ok that there is other ways to have children but it really wont be the same..... Thats why i dont know namjoon i am as confused as you are i am tired of alwasy having to make you go through shit. I am tired of alwasy having you hurt becasue of me..." she began to cry even more. Broke me entirly...

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