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" what in the name Jesus is going on!" I say when I enter my apartment just to see such a  huge mess god Jhope cannot keep this place clean.... aishhhh I guess ill be cleaning the whole dam day...

" oof what in the world happened munchkin is this really your apartment or some frat house boys Toke over... eeesh what a mess.."

" kim Namjoon that's not funny you are not helping at all.."

he pulled me into his arms now he was back hugging I could feel his hot breath in my neck..

" who the fuck said you can call me by my full name... huh?" with his husky seductive voice...

Then i heard a door unlock it was hobi oof the beat I am gonna give him I grabbed the magazine laying on the floor folded it in the shape of a tube and I saw him and started hit him...

" ya hoseok PABO what is the meaning OF THIS I AM GONE FOR A DAM WEEK AND THE APARTMENT IS A MESS..." 


" AHH SHIT SORRY... were is this dam nugget... WAIT! did you sleep here?"

he nods " so dose that mean??"

" yes we indeed made up, thanks to you. It was all your doing without you giving me back the confidence I once had I would had never have had the guts to come and talk to my preciouse boyfriend."

" yo whats with all the noise...? " shitt, Noona i am so sorry i totally forgot you got out today?" he rushed all over the place picking shit off from the floor.

we stood there wide eyed to see a sweaty hobi only in his boxers...

" YAAAA HOSEOK ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?" Yoongie stood there embaressed I mean after all it was all his doing.......

hobi slowed down stood there and looked down, " ahhhh shitttt sorry.." he went back into his room and came out with a white t-shirt and red shorts..

"sorry about that.... ill get finished cleaning you can go get refreshed after all you've been through enough already.."

" i guees your right, I am going to go take a nice hot bubble bath..." I looked at Namjoon and smirked 

he gave a slight caugh and his cheeks turned bright red 

"well i better get going there is a lot I must do before tonight!"

huh tonight ? what so special about tonight...

he gave me a quick and passionate kiss and he ran with his car and was gone in a minute...

" ok lovebirds I am gonna head in the bath yall need to use the bathroom now so yall don't disturb me..?"

" haha no" they both said in unison.

i smiled and left to the bathroom..

i turned on the hot water I put some bubble solution turned a couple of sented mango candles ( my fav) I took off my robe and drifted in the water as all my thoughts left my mind like the steam of the water leaving the water I smelled the sent of the candles and it just felt like I was in perodise.

then a sudden buzz  coming from my phone distracted me from relaxing.. who the fuck is it...

" baby girl is that how you talk to your daddy?"

" joon is this you?"

" of cource it is honey bunch, who else would it be?
" i had totally forgotten that I deleted your number when we broke up. sorry baby!"

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