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I woke up feeling sore from well you know..... I noticed i had no close on. I woke up in a very fancy silky sheets the room was a nice old yellow the bed i was in was huge. Everything in the room looked expensive idk weather to move or not i am really scared idk were i am its very bright.... WAITTTT WHAT'S THIS i suddenly feel a arm next to me wtf who is this... I lift my head up a little to see who ot was or what it was. It was Namjoon but how on earth did i get here. I tried to not make much movement to not wake him up but no use he pulled me back and said...
Namjoon: so how did my babygirl how did you sleep huh?

Me; umm i think ok.

He gave me a kiss on the forhead...
Namjoon; ooo babygirl look what time it is your gonna be late for work....

Me : what you jerk why did you not wake wtf did i ever do to you dhjdjfbcnssn....
He puts his finger in my lips i couldnt finish my sentence
Namjoon: shhhhhh relax princess its Saturday and plus whos to say you were o get fired I were to be the one to diced that so no worries.

He leaned back to the bed with very few words he wispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine...

Namjoon: Babygirl how dare you speak to your boss like that....

Shiiiittttttt i did it again i made him hangry but hangry for me.... But fuck he fucked so fucking good.....

Namjoon: i guess i have to punish you again hmmm......

Seductive ass voice says that how tf is he so fine.... But wtf i am i doing hes my boss i cant be doing this shit.... Ughhh fuck but it felt so fucking good....

Kissing me from my mouth with his tounge exploring all over it him warm tounge touched mine it felt soamaizing i suddenly started feeling a tingle in my stomach but i was not about to cum i cannot be falling in love with this jerk that all wants to do is fuck or as he calles it punishing me.... His warm yet wet lips cut me off my thoughts. My body temperature was reaching is highest i wanted more much more.......

I wanted him i didnt care anymore i just wanted him.... I pulled him closer to me feeling his now naked body i could feel him burning i knkw hes feeling the same shit his forehead was started to form sweat pebbles...

Namjoon: you noddy girl you made daddy very anxious now...
He new what that did to me because i then flipped him over i had only my bra on no panties. I started to pull on his boxers giving the signal to FUCKING TAKE IT OFF i was horny and i wasnt gonna wait any longer......... He reached out and smacked my butt it didnt hurt it felt soo good i wanted him to do it again..... He then shimmied and pulled down his boxers and releasing his already swealing hard dripping with pre-cum dick ahhhh fuckkkkkk i hate the fact hes so big he just ughh leaves me wanting moreeeeeeee....... I positioned myslef to fit his hard memeber into me keep in mimd i take birth control anyway bc of my periods so i wasnt worried fuck ughhhhh fuvkckckckckckkckckckc that feels so good. At this point i totally forgot he was my boss..... I started moving my hips to try to ride him good..
Namjoon: ohhhhhhh shiii-ttt babygirl daddy ia liking this.... Ahhhhh fuckckckckkckckckckx ohhh ughhzyyuduudhddj fuck yes baby ughh fuck your soooo tight fuckckkkkkk....
As i ride him he reaches to my breast massaging them very very gently making the whole thing feel so much fucking better... I was moaning so fucking loud i feel liker neighbors heard but i didnt care.... I road him faster and faster making him maon in so much pleasure... Fuckckckkckc a part of me didnt want this to end but knew i was about to cumm and i was about to cumm Harddd....


He nodded his head giving me the signal to cumm as i released i road my orgasm and it felt soo good and in just a few seconds after he came too fuckkkkkk...
I leaned over to his chest tired no energy... He hugged me and pulled the covers over me and just like that ontop of him we both fell fast asleep😴😴💜💜

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