Rekindle What Was Once Lost

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"Come inn" I said again and to my surprise it wasn't any of the guys...

"oh, umm I think you've got the wrong room... who are you?"

"do you not recognize me at all" the minty haired man spoke gently and quietly almost hard to hear but I managed to hear.... I squinted my eyes...

"ooh dear God" my mouth dropped open when I finally realized who it was...

this man was still short but still taller than me, he had minty green hair, he wore glasses and looked completely professional compared to his blond hair and always wearing black pants, leather jackets, and boots... he was wearing suit that suited him well ... but why was he here I thought I told Jungkook and Jimin to take care of him or something....

 but why was he here I thought I told Jungkook and Jimin to take care of him or something

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"I know it's not my place to be here, and I truly hope your doing well... but I don't think I can wait anymore... if it alright with your mam I would like a word with you..."

"listen yoongie whatever it is that you have to tell me it was no excuse to hurt my friend like that and I swear if you hurt him again, I will end you, you hear..."

"clear... but please listen to me I will explain everything, and it will be up to you if I talk to him or not deal? may I sit?" he pointed to the seat were jhope sat when he came typical.

"I guess go ahead... and whatever it is I promise I will try to understand the reasoning behind your sudden disappearance..."

"that's all I ask of you thank you..." he sat and began from the wayyyy beginning

He explained that it wasn't something he could just ignore his dad passed away and he had to take care of his company for a while he had to move to Busan as soon as he could.

 His sister advised him to not say anything.... She didn't even know he was gay so the fact that he couldn't even say bye was awful....

 he told me that it was too hard to do so. He knew that Hobi would have given up his dream job here in Seoul and he could not bare seeing him unhappy...

He decides he would end things with him and maybe just, maybe it would be less painful, but it was much, much worse than he thought. 

That night when he broke up with Jhope he tried so hard to hold the tears and the pain building up his chest...

 he was just about to propose to him before he got the news about his father... he began to cry all of the sudden that's when I knew his feeling towards my befriend were genuine... 

 I could see the pain he had of not being able to say byee to his father before passing....

He explained he had to stay in Busan for years until he could finally get to come back to Seoul. Yes, it's been more than four years now and he changed for the better...

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