How could you?

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It has been three months  since the whole incident with Taeh we had no idea what he would do. Or what he meant by being more than friends... my whole life is a mess I was living with Namjoon, and it was helpful having him around. We went to work as perusual. It was November and thanksgiving was right around the corner. life for Namjoon and I were on the line not having have heard a single word from Taeh was a bit worrying. Jungkook was more distant I have no idea whats up with him. Hobi and Yoongie were happier than ever Hobi got a job at his Law firm company and their relathionship was better than ever they got a house, they are hosting the Thankgiving dinner this year. so stoked for that....

Today was a regular boring day I was running arrands for Namjoon. The priveouse project we were working on was a huge success and now we were working on the reservation in Africa.... I was excited for that one ive been to Africa and its beautiful. The day flew bye fast it was now midnight and were about to head out when we suddenly realized that we still had one more stack of papers we needed to turn in to Taehyung. We could do that in the morning we were tired.

" princess lets go home I am way to tired." Namjoon backed hugged me.

" yes lets, I am also really hungry hun, can we go get something to eat on way"?

" of course baby, anything you want" he said kissing my cheek.

" alright then lets gogo ;)"

we got our coates and headed to the elevators down to the parking lot once we spotted his yellow car ( my fav) we walked towards it. then we heard sudden footsteps followed by giggling and kissing sound and a very very familiar voice....

" ugh stop it someone can see us jeje" JUNGKOOK!!! BUT WHO WAS HE WITH...

I signaled Namjoon to come and hide behind the companies van... Jungkook and the who ever that person was were getting closer and closer... my jaw dropped wide when I saw who is was... my eyes could not believe who it was after all the bullshit we went through and he comes out to this and with my very own friends ughghghghgh.... my yes hurt my heart how could he do this to me to Namjoon ughhh....

" princess am I blind or is that really Taeh fucking Yung.." he whispers in my ear as we watch them get into Taehyungs car.

" yes it is lets go fallow them we need to get to the bottom of this." once the coast was clear we got into our car and we fallowed them they had not noticed it because there was a car before us..

The whole way I was thinking of how on earth I was going to confront them.. this not cool and coming from Jungkook is this why he has been acting so strange. all along I have been dealing with a trader. I thought I could trust him but then again I too trusted Taehyung with many things and this is how he is repaying me.

the whole way there I was quite not wanting Namjoon to worry about my rage... 

" baby are you ok? you have not said a peep from when we got into the car... listen I know that this is as much as a shock to me to you. there has to be there must be a good reason for his act-"

"ACTIONS Namjoon he forbade us from being together because we work together and because of your past listen Taehyung is not that much different from you... He too was a whore back then.. He gave us all that shit because we were together. What the fuck what ever is going on with them, we just need to confront them it really isn't fair hun.." I was getting more calm after letting that out...

" i guess your right baby... Look they stopped... " he parked a little further... We rushed out the car to them.

"So, all that bull you gave us only applies to us i am guessing... Huh, theres something between you two. How could you Taehyung. Why would you give us all that shit about the work place and dating in it. When clearly you have a littlw something going on aswell.. And you Jungkook i trusted you... You knew about me and Namjoon and how much we have been struggling to be together... And yet here you are stabbing me in the back with the main person that has been keeping us somewhat apart... I dont think you realize how hurt i am.... And Taehyung what about being more than friends... Huh what was all that shit about.... Explain..." I was furious...

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