Truth Be Told

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It has been days since our engagment and it has not been easy to keep it hidden from everyone else, the only ones thta knew about it was jungkook, yoongi and jimin. Everyone else had no clue. We where going to host some thpe of dinner too break it down for eberyone but that would be too abviouse. So we just decided to invite everyone to a small cookout.

Just why not. I had to text everyone to let them know we where goign todo just that and we told the guys who knew to keep it a secret. To act as if they didnt know. Namjoon didnt work today so we where just laying in bed in eachothers arms. Not wanting to get up.

I am honestly a little scared about Namjoons mother, she didn't seem to happy i was with her son. But then again she was gone for years everyone thought she died. I wonder if Namjoons dad knows about her existence.

My thoughts where interrupted by Namjoons sudden snoring. This dude really fell asleep in my legg no wonder i couldnt feel it. My leg too was asleep. I shook him to wake him up but he was to deep into his sleep. I dint want to wake him up but we had a lot todo today.

" baby wake up its late we cant take naps today, we got alot going on."

" KIM NAMJOON WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" i yelled at him getting frustrated becasue he would not wake up.

" what okok i am up don't yell at me" he sat up and gave me a pouty face.

" awe i am sorry joonie but you know we have tons todo we have to get the things for later...:"

" hahaha..," he laughed what the fuck why is he laughing this is no laughing matter.

" why are you laughing now.... For " i said in a bit of annoyance.

" oh baby baby girl have you forgotten what you are?" he says

" umm wut Namjoon what on earth are you talking about." i am so confused

" baby you are my soon to be wife. The wife of a CEO! Jaja and being just that you have its perks have you forgotten how rich i am. Baby we have butlers andf maids to do the job we can sleep another two, three hours. Then we can get ready and not worry about anything else just attending our guest and having fun.,, we can take a nap orrrrr......"

" or what?" i had a feeling i knew what he was talking about.

He started to his me behind my ear. And whispered into it,

" we can, have a quickie and then we take a nice bubble bath together.... Mmm that's sounds dilisouse doesn't it.." oh god it did but a quickie for joon that's never the case once we start theres no going back. He began to kiss me again in my ear and then in my mouth all over my neck.

" ahhhh fuck it lets do it. Destroy me God of destruction...."

" as always my princess..." he growled as he too of his shirt. And everything he had on locked the door and came back to me. I wasn't wearing anything except my nights gown Namjoon hate it when i wear cloths to sleep so thats all i wear. He loves playing with my breast to fall asleep. Then he falls asleep and leaves me turned on like ummm rude.

He took my night gown off and started kissing me in the mouth leaving them swollen, bitting my bottom lip to let his tongue in. his tongue feels warm and and excited. My hands roomed around his body while his tongue explored my mouth as mine did the same. Both our body's warm touching each other. Almost ate each other at direct contact. His long fat throbbing dick was poking me and my pussy acked to be beaten.

" jjjooon ahh dim the lights baby, dim the lights." i said out of breath.

" right away my queen... " he did it on purpose so i can see his hard cock and him butt naked. The sight of him walking towards the lights made me even more turned on. Slobber cam down my mouth and before i could even wipe it away off my mouth Namjoon glared at me his eyes filled with lust and want.

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