사랑해요 (love you)

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I new that this time I wasn't going to come out alive....... we finally reached our destination only it wasn't a hotel like he told me.

I stayed still like statchue admiring the big house almost looked like a castle only ,much more modern it was beautiful breath taking although I do feel like been here before I just cant put my mind to it right now though.

" Joonie baby this is not the hotel you said we were going to..."

" no baby its my house it was closer I canceled the room"

what the hell now remember I dint see what it looked like bc of all the light around it, It looked much different

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what the hell now remember I dint see what it looked like bc of all the light around it, It looked much different.

I am getting a bit suspicouse tho bc nowere on are way here did he touch his phone he was buissy touching something else that aperently now belongs to him.

But then again why here why did he bring me here instead of the hotel......

" tonight I want it to be very special so I have a really nice surprise for you waiting inside" smiling showing his dimples the cutest shit that just melts my heart into dozens of particles of pure love.

honestly why do I even diserve this man he can do so much better.......

" Mr. Kim everything is ready for you, you can come in with the lovely lady you've brought today"

" ahh thank you soo much Mr.Chu and yes your right she is by far the most beautiful girl in this world isn't she. now can take the rest of the night off have funn!"

" as you wish Mr. Kim see you In a couple days " he bowed and left in an uber he was namjoons butler.

" ready lets go inside I hope everything I have prepared is up for your taste"

" hmmm so you had something planned all along, you sneaky little boy"

" if we go inside I can show you how more sneaky I can be... that did not sound right" aweeee hes cute lol

he grabbed me by my hand he lead me inside the place was full of candles all over the place it was so romantic there was medals of red and white roses the candles smelled like mango my fav thing in the world. this man really is something else.....

he lead me to the fireplace were he read to me.... he read a quick little story he wrote himself of how we ended up meeting and being here today I be lieng to you if I said I didn't cry... it went a little like this.....

The moment you rebelled to me that day in the street I knew you were going to be nothing but a challenge to me. even though you thought the worst about at that time I knew I had to find you but I never got the chance to see were you were headed.

My company was having a new project and I needed a new partner that when I met Taehyung at a place for young buisnismen he offered me a job at his company and we dicied to bring the project to both companies and bring them together as one.

Greatest dision I ever made, Taeh thought of the great idea of me needing someone to keep me on check he offered tongs of hot girls ( I gave him a jeliouse look) jkjk

well they were good looking at all but theres was one in particular that I saw that had coaught my attention..... I knew uve seen that face somewere and I told him I had chosen you I finally can talk to you.

yes at first you found me so annoying and a jerk but I only do it like that when people ask for it.... jk but it was fun seeing you mad always made me smile. you made work less boring and I actually liked coming into work knowing you were going to be there.

that day I took you down and touched you and tasted you was the worst mistake I ever made you know why.... well because now I cannot keep my hands off of you.

the hardest thing was when I pretended not to care about your feeling I was scared bc of Taeh I didnt want you to get fired bc of me then I took you home after that night we had amazing sex and ooof girl you were just so beautiful and sexy I just cant.....

Then I took you home and met your roommate I got super jelouse at the site of another man being next to you. And when I left I finally realized that this wasn't just a simple crush ....I was in love with you... tonight I want It to be as special as it possibly can.

I want to show you that I finally have a purpose...... as Justin Bieber would say" baby you give me purpose ,

I put my heart into your hands heres my soul to keep.

I let you in with all that I can. you have given the best gift that ive ever gotten I have gotten your love I have gotten your attention you are my everything and I promise that as long as I live I will keep you to my self ok your are NAMJOONS ONE AND OMLY got it and if anyone come in between us I swear they are in for a beating. jaiga I love you.........

he wiped my tears away from my eyes an cheeks

he wiped my tears away from my eyes  an cheeks

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