Cant Catch A Break

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Here it comes......

I walked up to her instantly hugging her but softly so I would not hurt her. I got on my knees and held her hand. I honesty I am terrified about what could happen.

"babe there's something that I need to tell you, but first promise me that whatever happens you will stay strong for me."

"what is it Joon you're really scaring me" she said weakly "what happened? what did they tell you happened to me?"

"listen babe what you had was a tumor and the doctors had to remove it because you would have been in great danger, a--and I might have lost you." my eyes started to water.

"Do to the operation you had.... "I sighed

"wwwwhat WAHT IS IT???"

"since it was in your lower part of your stomach. We won't be able to have kids" I started to tear up.

"Joon please tell me your playing I don't like this PLEASE TELL THIS IS JOKE! NAMJOON PLEASE PLEASE PLEASSssss tell me it's not true...." I hugged her tight trying to calm her down the tone in her voice was softer as I held her tighter. She was in tears her boatful eyes were once again filled with worry and concern.

She pulled away from the hug now calmer.

"Joon." she sniffled" if I can't have a baby as a woman, I have failed you, I know how much you've always wanted to have kids. Namjoon I am useless if if by-you want to leave me I wouldn't blame you. I love you but I want you to be happy.... Joon I am sorry I don't know why this is happening. But I know that this is my fault" she started tearing up again. This was breaking me entirely I hated seeing her like this.


I am probably useless at this point I really don't see why Namjoon would be with me anymore. He has nothing to look forward too at this point I am confused. I am all over the place.

Namjoon grabbed my hand and started to rub my back.

"I would never leave you. If anything, there is other ways we can become parents a babe we are going to get through this ok. I love you and no you are useless. I need you with me, you're the one that gives me strength. Without you I am lost I promise you I will try my best to make you happy and to stop you from hurting I may have lost my mother a few years back and the only one that I have is my father and you. I need you with me baby." he said

Hearing his words soothed me and I knew he wasn't going to give up on me....

"thank you Joon I love you but I kind of want to be alone for a bit."

"oh, defiantly honey I will be outside. Jhope and Yoongie have been here too with me we are going to be in the waiting room for now ok! I love you so much I hope you know that and learn how much I appreciate you and need you" he said all I could nod I was slowly leaning down to my pillow I was exhausted and I kind of wanted to sleep.


I headed out to the waiting area after waiting for her to fall asleep.

"hey Namjoon. Is she awake now?" I had totally forgotten that Jungkook was here.

"she was but after the news I gave her she just wants to rest and I guess cry it out, I just want to hold her and make her feel good."

"I know Joon, but she need needs to rest understand that it's not something that was taken up lightly. She always talked about having kids when we lived together imagine this is been her dream too... there's a reason whys h wanted to take thing slow with you and made up all that bull about the what if your dad doesn't like her listen Namjoon this whole thing is very hard on everyone but especially her. Just be patient ok you guys deserve to be happy an that day, that week. That month, that year, that decade will come."hobi said reassessing me to calm down.

"thank you hobi and thank you all of you for being here with me I don't know could have very been if you guys weren't here."

"there's really no need, you guys are the only family hob has and well you are our friends and we hate seeing you guys hurt in so many ways it's like you guys can't catch a break."

"ugh tell me about I am losing it."

"like Jhope said things will get better you guy are good people watch you will get the ending you want." Jungkook said.

"I hope you guys are right."


We suddenly see a bunch of doctors rushing thought the hallways it is 3 am and the doctors are all over the place. Then the same doctor that was taking care of Y/N came running to me...





I fallowed him to the roof and I Jungkook, hobi, and yoongi were behind me along with other doctors....

Flight after flight of stairs we finally got to the roof sure enough here she was at the edge of the tiles ready to jump....

"y/n babe what's wrong please talk to me. Please baby don't jump I need you with me I love you I need you please don't leave me..." the doctors grabbed my arm not to get too close or else she will jump. My eyes started to well up into tears seeing that she wanted to end her life...

"Namjoon stay back, let me do this, you don't want me anymore. I am useless to you. Why would want a woman that can't even do her job right. Let me go you don't need me...."

"baby please I will miss you so dam much please please don't do this...."

Last thing I saw was her hand flying into the air...


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