Is This It?

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Things were not getting any better Namjoon would try to talk to me but I just kept ignoring him I asked jungkook to help me out I told him everything. He himself also thought that what Namjoon did was wrong... Not only did he put me down, but he also broke that promise he made when we made shit official. Jungkook did everything possible to not leave me alone with Namjoon. Each day that went by were torture i love him but how can I ever forget what he did. Was i fucking being unreasonable. Its been 2 months already since that incident and Namjoon finally gave up and I was ok you could say...
Today was Wensday and Jungkook called to say he was terribly in bed sick and also was Taehyung and he never stays home so hmm it must really be that bad. But shit that means today in the office its just Namjoon and I and Mr. Park and his assistant Jin i didnt get that good of along with them so it woulf be as if no one was here fuck.... Oh well thats that... I got up to quickly gwt changed as always i was late but these past few months ive learned to not give a dam so i kinda took my time i wore a black blouse and creme color skirt and black heels... I took a cab and i finally got to the office as suspected it was quite i entered the elevators and finally got to my burden of office and heard noise coming from inside and it was Namjoon and some Whore from i am assuming busan... I entered without nocking.......
" Goodmorning i see your very buissy with this slut but we have work to do on actual work profile"

" Mr.Kim i dont give a shit about your personal life.... Work is work.... What am I doing here well this is my office aswell... And not what it looks like hmmm well it seems to me that your about to fuck this bitch of a whore .....from Busan right?" I grabbed my coffee and left and i could hear him rumaging to zip up his pants and told the slut he cant no more to not look for him again.... I went down to talk to Jimin to see if his part was done for the project of the Kims.....
" Goodmorning Mr.Park... I just came to see if the files were up to date for the final project?" ...

" oh Goodmorning miss, and please call me jimin no need for all the formality..and to answer your question they are indeed finished would you like to go over them with me to make sure very thing is fine?"
"Oh but of course Mr.- i mean Jimin"
"Haha alright then please take a seat and oh jin dear bring me and this lovely miss and yourself some coffee ☕"

"Will do Chim Chim!" Jim said excitingly..
Jin an jimin are like bffs they get along so well and they are soo nice to me.....
Jin came back with three coffees and we all sat an chatted and went over things ...
Suddenly Bamjoon comes in barging in Jimins office panting hard he tried to compose himself lead out a slight caugh
" ah well Goodmorning to you all, Miss L/N i must really speak with you right now" he said almost demanding.
" I am quite buissy right now it can wait till Jimin and i are done"
"Well ill be expecting you soon miss.. It really is an important issue that wr must discuss...." He left slamming the door causing jin who had headphones on to jump...
" hmph whats his problem anyway lets continue"
I knew exactly what was wrong with him he is loosing his authority to control me and i knew his blood must be boiling over pure jealousy seeing how well me and Jimin are getting along.
We unfortunately finished odly quickly and I went back to the office i sat there feeling certain that he was gon explode any minute...
He was stabding infront of the huge window looking outside.... His hands folded against his back... Waiting for the right time to speak...
"Chronica,(so) how much longer do i have to be begging for your forgiveness.. How much longer do i have to bare with the pain of not having you with me...."
"Hmmm well idk you must be doimg offly well seeing how well you were fucking that whore"
"Aishshshsh you werent supposed to see that jagi"
"No... Your right i am sorry... Plz listen to me..." He started getting on his knees.
" what i told Taehyung in that confrontation wasnt right, I know that i broke that one promise i made you that night. And i have not been more disappointed in my life then now I know youve been through so much.. I guess all I wanted was to protect you feom getting fired bc of what we have. No it wasnt right the way i did it and i regret it so much i have not slept good since than knowing that ive been such a pain in the ass for you. I am going to talk to Taehyung face to face and tell him if he wants to fire both of us idc aslong as i am with you nothing else matters... Please all i want to be is with you, you have changed me so much and i cannot be more thankful for that please forgive me and i will not make promises that i cant keep. JUST give me a second chance"
I started to cry and i felt no type of sadniss but just pure disappointment if he really was changed why was he with that bitch before... I am so confused should i even be talking about this and just ignore the agonising pain i have in my heart and ignore him for the rest of my life was i really gonna risk my career for him my family needs me aswell if I even think about forgiving him i would be jeopardizing everything.....

"Namjoon I-----"..................

"Namjoon I-----"

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