What Will I Do Without Her!!

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I was driving as fast as I could... the minute j-hope said she wasn't breathing... my heart instantly dropped. Just hold on a little longer... I will not let Jay get away with this I will make sure he doesn't come out of prison.

We rushed as fast as we could not letting any minute pass. My baby was in trouble. Once again it was all my fault if I never would have showed up at the club that night, he would had never known that me and her had something going on.... And yet I fucked up once again.

We finally got there amongst the sound of sirens from the outside and people crying in desperate need of help for their loved ones... we led my presouse girl through the crowed we seeked help at the front desk...

"please help us she is not breathing... PLEASE DO SOMEHTING!" I yelled at the lady at the desk she seemed to be frightened...

"ok sir, I am going to need you to calm down I will get the doctor...." She ran off and came back with a few doctors with a hospital bed...

"please sumbaenim please I beg you help her... she has been through enough already. "I cried with tears streaming down my cheeks I gave him a hopeful look...

"we will try our best to save her I am going to need you to stay here... miss I need an ivy and blood type a+ she is losing a lot of blood... hurry we are losing her... "he said as they ran off into a restricted area.

The minutes seemed like hours as we stayed in the waiting area. we watched as people came and went ... people injured and badly hurt... and just to think my girl was in there fighting for her own life I cried and prayed for her life... I needed her more than anyone thought... I prayed to god to let me show her the right way. I wanted to fix my mistakes. I loved her and no one was ever going to change that... I needed her alive I wanted her to be the mother of my children and I needed her to be my wife. She is my everything. If she dies, I am going with her the pain is going to be univariable... but that won't happen she is going to make it she is strong she will get through this...

3 long hrs. later the doctor came to get us...

"listen I am not going to sugar code anything, we finally got to stabilize her, and she is fine, but there is possibility that she may not wake. that is what I am trying to say is that she fell into a minor coma..."

His words felt like a bucket of cold ice water... a Coma no it can't be... fucking jay park I swear I will kill you if it's the last thing I do...

"what nooo.... Cc-can we see her" jhope cried uncontrollably it broke my heart. He was going through all the shit with he breakup and now this....

"yes, you can and talk to her there is a possibility that she may recognize any of your voiced and god give us miracle and she wakes... I don't promise you anything."

He led us to her room, I was scared to see the love of my life in such stage... what was I to do. The fact that we ended things so badly and the fact that I might not be able to tell her, to show her how much she means to me breaks me into a million pieces I was not ready to give up, at least not yet...

We went and we entered her room the lights dim, and with one light barely showing her rested calm face. Her body connected to all these machines my heart ached at the sight I fell to my knees next to her bed and started sobbing....


At the sight of my best friend laying in the bed helpless and her hands wrapped in bandages, her lips in the faintest shade of pink. Her hair was as soft as it could be. Her skin was as pale as snow. I swear that jay dude is going to regret every drop of blood, sweat, and tears he caused my poor best friend. I felt numb I didn't feel anything at this point. I felt as through my whole world was shattered into a million pieces. The fact that she might not wake... might as well let the world keep ending why? Well she is my world she is my everything she's been there for no matter the bullshit... I don't think I will ever live without her......

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