Just Go With It!😒

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Four weeks have passed and tbh nothing intresting nkr disterbing happend. But this man sure is buissy. I have not been late and i have not haf a single day off i am practically moving in a zombi way.... As tired as i was i blacked out in my desk.... I woke up to a wet feeling sensation in my earlobe wtf was that half asleep i was wondering if it was a snake or something.... As i was waking up fully. opened my eyes boiii was i right it was a big tall blonde snake kissing and slobbering all over me eww wtf.
I flinched a bit but not gonna lie if felt great.

KimNam: Well Well baby girl sleeping on the job tssss nono princess you cant be doing that or else i am gonna have to punish you and you woudnt want that would you?
Y/n: nnnno..
I hestitated
KimNam: I am sorry princess, But you mis behaved daddy has to punish you now........in a hot seductive ass voice said that.
Fuck why was i so turned on by that fuckkkk... He walked to the door and locked the door no one came in anyway our office was seperated from everyone elses. Fuck what is this batsard gonna do now!
I guess for my own dam sake i have to go with it fuck my life...
He walked towards me hugged me from behind quitely he whipsered in my ear ....
"Youve been very bad baby doll, daddy is very upset rn... And do you know what bad girls get when they misbehave...
Y/n: n-nno ...
KimNam: NO WHAT!!
He slapped my asss i yelped in pain..
His hands were so big.... This man was going to kill me.
He repeated
I didnt know what he wanted me to say i already told him i didnt know.
KimNam: Oh baby girl, CALL ME DADDY!
Again i better do as he says or i am gonna regret it i just know i will.
KimNam: hmmm thats right baby girl i am your daddy i own you now.... You belong to me now got it?
Y/N: yy-ess Daddy
He turned me around picked me up from my legs through everything that was on his dest to the floor he placed me down. He leaned forward and started to kiss me first it was small pecks on my lips and then he went deeper and deeper. He slid his tounge inside my mouth making a small moan come out...
KimNam: ughh fuck baby girl you turn me on so much ever since i saw you that day when you yelled at me fucccckkkk that was so hot i had no chick ever yell at me that way.
Ummmm ok........
He went again kissing me this time even deeper he moved his hands up and down my body sending down shivers down my spine. He went down kissing my neck leaving hickeys all over it. As he went down  he started to unbotten my shirt and then he stopped kissing me and started to admire my breast.
KimNam: From now on dont call me Mr.kim nor kim Namjoon. Just Namjoon in public.... But when we are like this baby doll i am your fucking daddy...
  He then started to kiss me again passionately........
Fuck is he gonna fuck me rn nonononoono I AM A FUCKING VIRGEN!!

Namjoon: I am going to fuck you baby so hard your gonna want more....;)
..................... TO BE CONTINUED

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