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we spent the rest of the night making love to each otherer we were now holding each other in our embrace. it was amazing I felt his warm arms around me. i felt protected again this time I think i can be able to sleep right and know he will be there the next day with me. 

we just like that for a while then Namjoon breaking the silence..

" hey haji, i know that we just got back together and I guess you need time to think about it ,but umm if I were to ask you to marry me would you?"

" Namjoon I don't know what to say, I love you I really do but marriage... ok lets say that we do get engaged and what not, what would your dad say... how would it affect the work place?... like am i even good eough to fit for a wife of a CEO?... I am just a commoner working like everyone else with no social status what so ever..." deep down I knew this was hurting him, and I felt bad but I don't think I am good enough for that... I am by far a person who likes to stay low I don't even like to parties and stuff I am always being dragged..... Then what if we do end up together what then... Kids???... lord knows what that will be like the kids would probably see there dad less often, I don't want to be that wife who end up a mess... 

" ok listen.." he says... " I see what your saying, and with my father he has always respected my dicisons and I don't think it will be any different this time... you are more than what you seem to be ok don't ever just say that your just a commoner... I chose you and only you...with work you wouldn't have to work anymo-.." I caught him off

" ummm no Namjoon absloutly not I am still going to work I don't want to feel useless all my life i have worked and just because if I were to marry you I woulndt stop.."

" i get that... and also you gotta understand that if you want then nothing will change ecept the fact that you would be living with me and not in your small apartment... youd be living here with me..."

" ok i guess... but please don't pressure me I need time for now lets just get things sorted out ok because I can forgive you, but I can never forget the given situations.... I just need time to gfigure everything out ok babe.. please !"

" baby take all the time you need it was just a suggestion ok don't work yourself out about it.."

" ok Joonie.. thank you for understanding .."

" but of course I just want you to be happy that's all.."

he gave me a quick peck and I barried my head into his chest and fell asleep....




" i am so sorry Yoongie that is my alarm i've been trying to not be late for work anymore.." I said half asleep

" i don't fucking care turn that shit off. "

" listen boy you moved here two weeks ago get used to it>>"

" aiishshhshshshh....." was all he said and went tot he bathroom. we were all in the lving room we had had a movie night and we fell asleep watching it .... surisngly I wasn't late my alrm clock worked perfect... I went o go take a quick shower and got ready nothing too fancy regular office ware... and heels


I went o open the door when he was about to ring the bell again. 

" wut your up early what in the world is this miracle.... hold on are you sick..??"

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