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Ana's POV

Chapter 4


Ella looked up, startled, and when she saw me her eyes widened. "Who are you?"

"I'm your mairy fodgother... er, your fairy godmother." I replied. "And I'm here to help you."

She sniffed, wiping her eyes. "You're so pretty."

Now I felt like crying. No one had ever called me pretty before. "Thank you, dear," I replied, trying to sound as if it didn't really matter. "Now, why are you crying?"

"Well..." Ella looked reluctant. "There's a ball tonight in honor of the prince's birthday, and I wanted to go... but my stepmother wouldn't let me and I have all these chores to do and I just.... can't do this anymore. I try to be cheerful and happy all the time, but no one c-cares about me and I f-feel so--alone." She choked on a sob and dissolved into tears again.

I tried not to let my emotions show on my face. "Well. Would it help if you could go to the ball?"

She looked up, hope in her eyes. "What?"

"Goodness, child, are you deaf?" I tried for a bit of humor. "I said, how would you like to go to the ball?"

Rapture lit her face. "Oh, yes!"

I pretended to think for a moment. "Well, let's see. You'll need a coach. Footmen. Horses. A driver. Anything else?"

Her whisper was barely audible. "A dress."

"Ah, yes." I snapped my fingers. "A dress. Now let's see, what were the magic words again...?" I glanced over at the tree Eric was hiding behind. Come on. Now it's your turn.

Apparently, he took the hint. In a flash of light (nice job for adding visual effects, Eric), Ella was wearing a beautiful dress a few shades darker than mine. It flowed beautifully down and fanned out in a train that would trail behind her as she walked. The bodice had beautiful flowers sewn into it, and a filmy section of the skirt over the blue shimmered with all the colors of he rainbow. She gasped breathlessly, but I (well, Eric, really) wasn't finished. A nearby pumpkin became a coach, and six white horses came from some mice scampering through the adjacent cornfield. The footmen and driver came from various small animals. I myself was amazed at Eric's performance, and several times I glanced at the tree he was hiding behind in amazement.

When everything was finished, Ella turned to me. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!"

I smiled in what I hoped was a gracious manner. "Oh, it was no trouble at all. Now run along and have fun at the ball." Part of me was surprised she really hadn't recognized me.

She thanked me a zillion more times before turning to stare at the coach. I backed away into the trees and my glow went out. By now it was almost too dark to see without a light, and I stumbled through the trees clumsily. "Eric." I hissed. "Where are you? That was amazing!"

I found him leaning against a tree, gasping for breath. Sweat beaded on his brow and he looked thoroughly exhausted. "I.... may have... outdone myself.... a bit." he gasped out, seeming completely drained of energy.

"Oh, no!" A dismayed note crept into my tone. "Are you all right?" I stepped towards him worriedly, and he nodded for me to come closer. I approached him and he touched my shoulder lightly. A glow came from the stone around his neck, which had almost completely faded. I stepped closer, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me in an embrace. "Are you all right?" I repeated.

He held tighter, burying his head in my shoulder. "I will be. I just... need... to rest."

I helped him sit down with his back against the tree, and he leaned against it with a sigh. I sat down beside him, and his arm wrapped around my shoulders, holding tight and not letting go.

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