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Eric's POV

Chapter 35


The stars glinted coldly down at me as I sat watching our fire, wishing for something to relieve the pain I was feeling. Who would have guessed I'd be tracking my own brother? Who would have guessed he'd kidnap an innocent girl just to hurt me?

I knew that was why he had done it. He likely saw me as a threat. He likely thought he could control me by threatening someone else's life.

Maybe he was right.

Phillip walked up slowly behind me, and I stiffened slightly. He made me nervous and uncomfortable. It was so obvious that he was better than me. He was high on the social scale - the highest, in fact. He was funny, charming, personable. Kind. Wealthy, obviously.

And what was I? How could I ever compete with that?

I had nothing.

I was nothing.

He sat down across from me, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

I looked up reluctantly. "Yes?"

He seemed hesitant. "You don't like me." It wasn't a question.

I winced. Was it that obvious to everyone?

"I just wanted to ask if we can... call a truce." Phillip's voice became less tentative. "Since we both have the same goal here - rescuing Anastasia's sister - it doesn't make any sense for us to be at odds."

I met his eyes reluctantly. He did have a point. "Sure," I mumbled.

"Let's shake on it."

I shook his hand firmly, trying to let my hostilities towards him dissipate. Most of the bad feelings went away, but I still couldn't get myself to think of him as a companion or friend.

Maybe I'd gain that in time.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I barely noticed Phillip walk away, probably to find the others.

After we had discovered the remains of the fire in the clearing, we had made the decision to go after Ethan and Jovette to try to catch up with them and rescue Jovette. Lady Tremaine had stayed behind. Phillip's father had reluctantly agreed to let him join us, after sending a few soldiers to keep watch over us and giving Phillip a lecture on "appropriate behaviors". It had been fun watching him and Ella squirm.

An ember from the fire popped loudly, and I stared into the bright, amber-orange depths. The color made me think of my heartstone.

Magic. I tingled all over as the feeling swept through me, the feeling of exhilaration and wildness I only found in one thing.

Ethan used to be so good at magic.

My mood darkened again. And then, after that night, it all changed. After that, he was barely a shadow of what he used to be. His magic was all but gone.

What had happened to him? Why had he turned cold?

Why couldn't it have been me in his place?

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