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Ana's POV

Chapter 19



Such a wonderful, marvelous place. A place that, only yesterday, I had believed I might never see again. Now Black was gone. Eric and I had rescued Mother and Jovette for the second time, and we'd come home to find Ella sleeping in the room she and I shared.

Now it was the crack of dawn, and I, the early riser of the house, was sitting thoughtfully on my bed watching Ella snore.

Yes, she snores.

Ella had been so exhausted the night before that she hadn't even changed into her nightclothes. Now I was waiting for her to wake up so I could figure out how much she already knew.

I was also hoping to see Eric soon. He'd promised to answer all my questions, and together we were going to figure out what to do next.

Ella stirred, muttering something. It sounded like, 'Phillip'. Wasn't that the crown prince's name?

She opened her eyes, and when she saw me she sat up suddenly.

"You! You were the fairy godmother!"

I jumped, startled. How did she wake up so quickly? "Um... yeah. How did you recognize me?"

"I didn't. I thought you looked familiar, and then at the ballroom I suddenly realized it was you. I thought something must be wrong, so I left, but then all my stuff changed back except for the slippers." She gestured wildly. "How did you get magic? Why did you do that? Why did everything change back at midnight? How-"

"I don't have magic." I cut her off, trying to explain quickly. "Eric was hiding by a tree, stuff disappeared because his dad tried to kill him. I..." I trailed off when I saw her bewildered expression. I was taking this way too quickly. "Um, let me start from the beginning..."

** * **

When I finally finished telling her everything from the beginning to the end (leaving out a few things like Eric's heartstone and the kiss), Ella had understanding and shock written all over her face.

"So Black is still alive?" she whispered, fear in her eyes.

"Well, he was." I reminded. "I'm not sure what Eric did, but I do know that Black's not gonna be bothering us anymore."

"My dad." Ella continued softly. "Do you know if he's..."

I shook my head slowly. "I'm sorry, Ella. I don't know anything about that. If I had to guess, I'd say he's..."

"Gone?" she finished, seeing my expression.

I nodded.

Her face crumpled and sheer looked away. "Well, it was worth a try."

I wanted to hug her. "I'm really sorry, Ella..."

She kept her composure, nodding, and changed the subject quickly. "So, tell me more about this Eric." Her eyes became mischievous. "Is he handsome?"

My face turned beet red. "Very."

"Has he kissed you?"

I glanced away, fighting a smile. "Once." The corners of my mouth pulled up against my will.

"Last night?"

I nodded.

"What color are his eyes? What does he look like?" She bounced in her bed, picking up a pillow and hugging it.

"His eyes are... the deepest, brightest green you ever saw. I always get lost in them." I admitted, blushing. "He smells like a pine forest right after a fall of rain, and his smile could light up the whole world without the help of the sun. He's kind... protective... strong... tall...."

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