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Jovette's POV

Chapter 38


The first thought that flashed through my head was not, I'm going to die!!! I'm never going to get married, never going to know what it's like to be kissed, never going to see my family again.

It also wasn't, Ahhh, help, this bear's going to eat me!

No, the first thing that flashed through my head was, Poor Ethan. He's not going to have a hostage anymore.

What!??!? cried the sensible half of my brain. You're about to die and you think that? What is wrong with you?

And then came the panic.

The bear surveyed me slowly, its gaze coming to rest on my face. For a moment, it did nothing.

Then it let out an ear-splitting roar.

I backed away slowly, my heart pounding a cadence of terror in my chest. "Nice bear..." I swallowed.

It dropped to all fours and snarled ferociously, its shaggy pelt standing angrily on end. Those eyes... they were wild and terrible and ugly and frightening. They made me shiver and shrink back.

I had heard somewhere not to flee from a bear, but right now it was taking all my willpower not to turn and run. I tried to take on a deep breath, but I just ended up breathing even sharper and faster. It felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, and I felt dizzy and light-headed with terror. I took another step back, willing my muscles to move.

It was advancing slowly, tossing its ugly head and rearing back up onto its hind legs. It roared again, and my ears were hurting from the sheer deafening volume of the sound.

I'm going to die.

The thought struck me with hard force, leaving my muscles paralyzed. I couldn't move.

I couldn't move.

I tried to take a step back, but my legs weren't listening. My face was pale, and tears were threatening at the corners of my eyes. Why does it have to end this way? I wondered silently. Why is life so unfair?

The bear was so close. I could practically already smell its hot breath in my face, feel its sharp claws tearing me apart.

The end was near.

I hoped I would die quickly.

Suddenly, a shout split the air. And then Ethan was somehow there, standing next to me, his stance firm and unafraid. I moved closer to him for safety until we were touching.

The bear roared again, as if feeling threatened by this new arrival.

Ethan's eyes were burning, smoldering, like green fire as he stared it directly in the eyes. His voice was powerful and authoritative, and the stone around his neck flashed as he spoke. "Go away."

It wasn't a shout, but it echoed through the clearing as if a thousand overlapping voices had spoken it together. Everything went silent, but there was still a whispered echo that resounded through the trees and then faded slowly.

The bear immediately dropped back onto all fours and loped away as if there was an army chasing it.

As I realized the danger was gone, the realization of what had just happened sunk in.

I buried my head in his shoulder and began to sob.


Ethan glanced at me, startled. His expression changed and he led me towards a stump and sat down, pulling me into his warm arms. "You're in shock." His voice was quiet. "You need to warm up."

His hands stroked my shoulders and back, warming the chill of shock and leftover fear inside.

I continued sobbing. My voice was choked as I whispered: "Thank you."

Ethan didn't reply. As the seconds passed, my sobs subsided slowly.

He was holding me. In his arms. No one had ever done that before.

I wanted him to hold me forever. Maybe if I...

He pulled away, standing up suddenly. "You're fine now," he said briskly. "We can go."

I didn't want to be fine if it meant he stopped holding me.

"Wait," I whispered.

He stopped. "What?"

"Ethan... can you check my ankle for injuries?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "But the bear didn't touch you."

"I know." I said softly. "But... I think I got scratched by some thorns."

He regarded me for a moment. "Not a serious enough injury." Then he turned and began walking away without another word, not even glancing back to see if I was following.

My heart sank and I slowly trailed after him.

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