Night # 209 Do Not Resuscitate

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This next chilling tale is about a patient that is quite disturbing.

I was nervous as I walked down the hall of the hospital to start my new job as a nurse. I was told I would be working alongside a nurse that had been there for several years. We were introduced to one another and I followed her as she gave me information on the patients. She came to one of the charts and she hesitated.

I waited patiently as she seemed to be gathering her thoughts. I was in for one big shock. She told me that this new patient was kind of creepy. He had come into the ER with a wound and was not breathing when they found him on the side of the road. Thankfully, they were able to resuscitate him and he was in stable condition now.

I could not help but wonder why she thought he was creepy. She told me that he appeared to be sleeping when she last checked on him but that she felt like he was awake the whole time she was in the room. She took a deep breath as she told me it was time for his IV bag to be changed. We slowly stepped into the room. I knew what she meant as we entered the room. I felt chills all over my body before I even saw the patient.

I looked down at him while his eyes were closed but felt exactly what she felt that he was awake. I was glad as we left the room that I had not been alone with him. When we got out into the hallway she looked at me and said," In all my years of nursing I have never had a patient creep me out like this and I hope for your sake and mine he will not be here long."

We went into the next patient's room when we heard the code blue alarm. We ran into the hallway and doctors were heading into his room. Seconds later everyone was in a state of shock. He was nowhere to be found. The hospital was put on lockdown as they looked for the patient. After a very thorough search, he still could not be found. Security looked through all of the footage and he was never seen leaving the room.

My co-worker and I went down to the lounge to grab something to eat. It had already been a long night and it wasn't even over yet. We sat there watching tv as a news bulletin appeared. While he was in the hospital no one could identify him but now we were learning who he was and it became quite scary. It turns out that he had been shot and nearly killed by a woman he tried to attack. The really scary part is that he had been taken to another hospital where he had been resuscitated.

My co-worker and I looked at each other in terror. The whole staff was hearing about it and they were just as scared as we were. How could this be happening? We did our best to do our jobs for the rest of the night. Every time we had to walk by that room we felt like we were in a freezer. We were getting close to the end of our shifts when we heard screams from that room. We ran into the room where we found a doctor bludgeoned to death. 

Security footage showed the doctor walking by the room when he was suddenly pulled into the room. Thankfully, it did not show the rest. I was sick enough seeing the aftermath. While we were trying to leave a message came over the speakers and everyone stopped dead in their tracks. " I am so grateful I did not list myself as Do Not Resuscitate because now I feel alive than ever." We could not leave. He had us trapped and we knew it. As we all huddled in the lounge to come up with a plan he made us watch what he was going to do to us. He had already killed everyone at the other hospital he had been taken to and he was going to do the same thing to us.

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