04 | Just my type

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▷ Just my type - The Vamps

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Just my type - The Vamps

«She lets me down, then gets me high,
don't know why — she's just my type»

BILLY ANDREWS' party is absolute shit.
A seventeen-year old red-headed girl is now in one of the balconies from the second floor, looking at nothing in particular while smoking one of her organic cigarretes. The typical cold air from the last days of October makes the girl shiver from the chilly breeze and she suddenly regrets wearing a skirt instead of something more covering. She zips her black leather jacket, popping the collar up.

"Anne?" she turns around at the call of her name to reveal a brunette girl from her Biology class whose name she doesn't remember.

Anne raises an eyebrow in response. "I think you should come downstairs" she said with a worried look on her face. "There's something wrong with Ruby Gillis"

Still not answering to the nameless girl, she throws her cigar away and makes her way downstairs, completely unbothered by the girl's words.

As Anne opens the first floor bathroom door, she found finds best friend Diana trying to cheer up an upset Ruby Gillis.

"What now?" Anne was annoyed.

"Ruby saw Gilbert Blythe making out with some girl from other school" Diana said, caressing her friend's hair as an attempt to comfort her.

"So?" she scoffs. However, as a result of seeing her friend so upset, her face softens. "Honestly, Rubs, get over him." she said, leaning against the door frame.

"Why doesn't he want me? Am I not worth it?" Ruby says between sobs. Anne can't believe her ears. Ruby is one of the prettiest and kindest girls of school, of course she's worth it!

"Look, he's just an asshole. Yeah, he might be hot and everything, but he's not worth it"

"Who's an asshole?" A raspy irritating voice fills the emptiness of the corridor. Anne turns around to face the Gilbert Blythe. Stupid, Mr-I-Know-Everything Gilbert Blythe.

"Diana, why don't you take Ruby home?" Anne turns to her friends again. "This party is fucking shit anyway"

"But Anne, how are you going to get back h-?" They came to the party in Diana's car, so Anne had no one to drive her back home.

"I'll find a ride, don't worry about me" she says, now facing a puzzled Gilbert Blythe. "There's something I need to sort out"

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