19 | Afterglow

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▷ Afterglow - Taylor Swift

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Afterglow - Taylor Swift

«Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there's no us»



Chapter dedicated to the beautiful RubyGillis03 since she's a fellow Taylor Swift stan and we love her for that <3


GILBERT BLYTHE occupies 99% of Anne's thoughts. She misses him desperately. She misses their daily talks and their usual texting from morning to midnight. She misses every inch, every part of him — every curl, every spot of green in his hazel eyes, every teasing smile, every late-night drive and every shared song.

It's been over a week since... what happened. The only interaction they had was last Thursday's English class of reciting poems (if you can call that an interaction at all). Now, Anne is pouring herself a glass on of water on a late Saturday night when she hears a knock on her front door.

Who could it possibly be? She was just texting both Diana and Ruby via their group chat and Jerry's upstairs playing video games.

Truth is she had kinda fantasized of Gilbert Blythe showing at her door. She's wearing her The Breakfast Club pajamas right now and maybe, if Gilbert Blythe came up to her door, he'd laugh at her and tease her until everything was normal between them again.

Until they were friends again and there was no tension and no awkwardness between them.

Anne's eyes go wide at the realization of the person in front of her once she opens the door. "What are you doing here?" She surely wasn't expecting that person to show up at her door on a Saturday night.

It was just Jane Andrews. A very troubled-looking Jane Andrews.

"Can we talk?" Jane's eyes are glued to the floor. Anne and Jane are not the best of friends — Anne, Diana and Ruby are the golden trio of school and Jane usually hangs out with Tillie and Josie. So, even though Anne lets her in, she can't help but wonder what Jane's doing there at almost midnight.

"Sure" the redhead replies. "Marilla's already asleep, come to the kitchen" she says, letting her friend inside her house.

They walk into the kitchen. Jane sits in the nearest chair and Anne leans her body against the kitchen counter, near the sink. She decides to take a sip from her glass of water and that's when Jane speaks.

"I'm a lesbian"

"Holy shit" Anne blinks twice after almost choking on water. "What...? How?"

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