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▷ Counting Paths - Matthew and the Atlas

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Counting Paths - Matthew and the Atlas

«No ones ever looked at me that way»


April 14th

TILLIE BOUTLER might not get the best of grades, but she is smarter than everyone else thinks. She's also one of Josie Pye's best friends, so that can only mean one thing — she's a sucker for rumors and gossips. When she spots a wave of red hair walking through the school halls, she feels the urge to ask.

"Anne! Anne, wait!"

The redhead turns around. She wonders what Tillie might want — maybe she needs more tutoring.

"Tillie, hi" she says. She's standing now in front of her locker, getting her binder and some books out of it.

"I've heard you broke up with Charlie!" Tillie says. "Is that true?"

What. The. Hell.

"No? No! Of course not" Anne can't believe her ears. She just FaceTimed Charlie yesterday! "Why do you ask?"

"Some girl from another class says that you and Gilbert are together" Tillie explains. "Like together, together"

"WHAT?" Anne gasps. "No, no no no, of course not"

"Oh, okay"

Tillie looks almost disappointed.

"I can assure you there's nothing going on between us" Anne says, gripping her books strongly against her chest. "Nothing"

"It's just- you know, everybody's been talking about the way he looks at you and how similar you are and-"

"Tillie" Anne says, frowning. "Stop"

"Sure. Sorry, Anne" Tillie smiles. "Anyway  I also wanted to tell you that I'm having a sleepover this Friday, you're coming, right?"

"Sure!" she says. Tillie gives her a content smile and a quick hug before starting to walk away from her. "Oh, and, Tillie? Make sure to deny all those rumors, okay?"


"Ready to continue the best English project on Earth, Daisy?"

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