20 | Forever young

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▷ Forever young - Alphaville

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Forever young - Alphaville

«Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while»



Sit or lie back and enjoy the final chapter. It's a long one, +6k words.

It's been a pleasure to read all of you guys 💘 I'd love it if you commented a lot in this one!


ANNE SHIRLEY-CUTHBERT is nervous. Diana is of course the one to choose Anne's dress to prom. Yes, it's Prom Night and Anne Shirley-Cuthbert is nervous.

The girl stares at her reflection in the vanity mirror. Indigo blue eyes stare back at her. Her auburn hair is wavier than usual and Diana Barry, who is sitting next to her with a proud smile, has done her make up in a natural way — she likes the result.

"Well, although you haven't let me wear my classic winged eyeliner or red lipstick, I have to say that I really like the results, Barry" she says as her eyes connect with Diana's as they both look into the mirror.

"I knew you would" Diana says as she stands up. Her long, dark blue ballroom gown adjusts effortlessly to her figure. "I should be leaving for school now" she adds, checking the time in her phone.

"Bold of you to agree on helping out a hysterical- I mean, very busy Josie Pye on Prom Night"

"They need me there" Diana says, raising one perfect, dark eyebrow. "My undeniable taste and decoration skills are required"

"Alright, captain, you may leave"

"Thank you, m'lady" Diana makes a bow, lifting her skirts a bit.

Anne stays in front of the vanity mirror. There's a lot of thoughts running through her mind now, as listens to the quiet footsteps of Diana against the wooden surface of the staircase. She hears how the raven-haired girl mumbles her goodbye to Marilla when they meet on the stairs. It doesn't take Marilla much to get to her room.

"Oh, Anne" the woman mentions as she walks into the room after knocking on the ajar door. "You look divine"

Anne turns around to face her. "Thank you, Marilla" she whispers with a soft smile. She can't help but feel rather nostalgic today.

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