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It truly feels like the end of something.

Closure. It's the word that's been echoing in the hazel-eyed boy's head all week. Packing all his stuff again, just like he did a year ago.

It's going to be a long flight. The plane hasn't even taken off yet and his father is already asleep, resting his head against the window.

He has a familiar book on his lap. The edition is old, the pages have turned a yellowish color — but nothing could be as precious to him as this book right now.

The empty seat to Gilbert's left is suddenly taken by an old woman. She must be around eighty. The boy, being the gentleman he is, doesn't hesitate to help her with her luggage.

"What a charming young man you are!"

Gilbert nods politely as he sits back down. The woman smiles warmly to him.

"I'm sure your girlfriend is a very lucky girl" she says, clasping her hands together as she observes the boy with the grey eyes under her glasses.

"Oh" he mumbles. "I don't have a girlfriend"

He pauses for a second, noticing that the woman's look has turned tenderer, as if she knew.

Am I that obvious?

"But... there's this girl back home. Anne. She's a redhead, fiery temper, incredibly smart, believe me" he chuckles. "One time I called her out for talking to herself — that was when I met her"

His mind takes him for a trip down memory lane, remembering with perfect ease the first time he saw her.

"Hey, I didn't quite catch your name"

"I didn't throw it!"

He lets out another chuckle as he remembers that was the only time she'd ever tried to do some exercise in her whole life.

"Sounds like a very special young lady"

"Yeah, I love her" he sighs. "But timing didn't work out"

"Oh, I bet she's one of those people who appear only once in your life, isn't she?"


"They do same that when you find the right person in the wrong time, life will eventually put the two of you together again"

The boy remembers Ruby's similar words at prom. Maybe it could be true. Maybe, in another time, when life is not as hectic and as complicated as it is now...

maybe we could be together,

maybe some day our 'almost' will stop haunting me.

For now, Gilbert Blythe can just dream of seeing her again. As he closes his eyes, he imagines a blurry green light in the distance

as he remembers the last time he saw her.

It was just two days ago — yet it feels like it's been months. They'd already said their goodbyes on a farewell party hosted at the Blythes's. But then, that evening, she knocked at his door.

He remembered the outfit, oh, yes. She was wearing a short, white strapless summer dress that allowed him to see almost every single freckle on her body.

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