10 | Supercut

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▷ Supercut - Lorde

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Supercut - Lorde

«Because ours are the moments I play in the dark»


MURIEL STACY is much a better teacher than Mr. Phillips ever was. She teaches both English and Maths, and Anne can't understand how she can be so good at two subjects that are two polar opposites. How could you possibly compare the coldness of numbers against the warmth and passion of words?

Anne wishes she could sit with Gilbert in Maths too — he could help her into understanding this mess. But she sits with Josie and he sits with Jerry instead. The boys are sitting a few desks away from her, watching what she guesses must be some stupid yet funny YouTube video.

It's been a month since she fainted at Josie's party. Gilbert used to check on her every night during the days that followed the fainting incident, texting her a "Still up?" or "Wanna talk?" each and every night. Anne appreciated that.

But those faded away about a week ago. Now Anne's trying to concentrate on different equations and formulas, although her mind drifts away to a head full of messy dark curls and a pair of hazel eyes sitting not too far away from her.

"I can't believe your birthday is just three days away" Josie says, snapping Anne out of her thoughts. Anne looks up to her.

"Me neither. I'm turning 18, that's- that's crazy"

"Wanna know what's crazy?" Josie whispers as he leans closer to Anne. By the tone in her voice Anne assumes she's about to hear the juiciest of gossips. That girl? A potential Mrs. Lynde, just wait and see.

"What's crazy?" Anne does as Josie expects: she asks, as if she's bothered or intrigued about whichever gossip Josie is about to drop. Keyword: if. Anne couldn't care less. Or at least, that's what she thought, because as soon as she hears who the subject of this gossip is, her heart stops a beat.

"I saw Gilbert the other day, downtown. He was with a girl!"

Anne feels a sinking feeling in her stomach that feels new, unfamiliar. Not familiar at all. With a girl?

"With a girl? Which girl?"

"Ella something, she's from a different school" Josie says as she copies some mathematical equation from the blackboard. Fortunately, she's not looking at Anne, because if she did, she'd notice the look of pure jealousy on her face. Anne, on the other hand, doesn't know that what she's feeling is jealousy. Yet. "They did seem to have fun, she was laughing hysterically at something he said!"


Anne bits the inside of her cheeks, gripping her pencil and looking down at the mess of numbers and letters on notebook.

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