05 | You shook me all night long (Pt. I)

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▷ You shook me all night long - AC/DC

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You shook me all night long - AC/DC

«She told me to come
but I was already there»

October 16th

JOHN BLYTHE knows that there's something off with his son. Gilbert has spent all morning playing and replaying the same song, singing the same lyrics and moving his head rhythmically to the same exact beat.

The Smiths.

"The story is old - I know, but it goes on" the boy sings, as he prepares breakfast for his dad and him. Ever since John got ill, he had to follow a special diet which Gilbert did not hesitate to follow too.

The boy places two glasses of orange juice on the kitchen table, along with two bowls of fruit and a special (and very expensive) porridge.

John studies his son. There's a little smile curving up his face. "Nice tune, son"

"I know, right?!"

"Mind explaining this obsessive habit of replaying it over and over again?"

"I'm a simple man, I like it, I play it"

His father laughs as he drinks from his orange juice, watching his son sitting in front of him mimicking his actions. "Is there a girl involved?"

Gilbert almost spits his orange juice. "Of course not"

Gilbert has the best of relationships with his father. Considering that he has no siblings and his mother is not around, he is the only one he has left. He trusts him, and they could talk about literally anything.

Except for Gilbert's dating life, of course.

"I hope so, because if you're gonna obsess over a girl with a song, it better be a happier one!" John says. "This song is the most depressing thing I've heard, and I have cancer!"

Gilbert laughs, rolling his eyes. He admires his father's sense of humor and optimism, despite his illness. Fucking cancer. There are bad days and good days in John Blythe's life as a person who has cancer. Today seems to be a good day — but the bad days... the bad days end up with Gilbert crying himself to sleep. Those are the kind of bad days.

When Gilbert Blythe's phone rings in that exact moment, he just hopes it's Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. Maybe she wants to continue last night's conversation. He has to admit that he hasn't stopped thinking about the redhead since he dropped her home last night. And listening to her favorite song on repeat is not helping.

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