03 | Shut up

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▷ Shut up - Greyson Chance

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Shut up - Greyson Chance

«You give me much to say»



October 15th

MR. PHILLIPS is a pain in the ass. And everyone at school knows that. He harassed Prissy Andrews until the point she had to transfer to another school. What a fucking asshole, Anne thinks, as she watches the slim figure of the man moving from one place to the class room to another. Apparently, he is handing in what Anne guesses must be last week's geometry test.

It's been three weeks since the beggining of senior year and Anne's already done with everyone. Gilbert Blythe has managed to steal everyone's heart in Avonlea High – both Ruby Gillis and Jane Andrews included are drooling over him.

It didn't take Anne more than two days to realize that Gilbert Blythe is simply one of those guys.

He's not the most handsome boy she's ever seen. His teeth are bit crooked, one of his hazel eyes looks slightly smaller than the other whenever he flashes a smile at someone and he doesn't even have an athletic build. But still, there's something about him that just makes him attractive. It might be the fact that he seems like quite the people pleaser, the kind of guy that instantly becomes close to your parents whenever you invite him home; the kind of guy that has 2/6 of your group of friends wrapped around his little finger.

She wonders if he knows he has that effect on people.

She studies him, he's sitting right next to her (it's the spot he's been asigned since he first got here anyway) – dark curls are falling over his forehead as he scrolls down his phone, typing every now and then whilst he hums the lyrics of some song unknown to her. Some shy rays of sunlight appear between the grey clouds of October, pass through the window and reflect in his dark hair, making it shinier than ever.

He probably does.

They haven't really talked lately, Gilbert and her. He hangs out with her and the girls sometimes so she has no choice but to tolerate him since her friends seem to adore him so much. She can't blame them, though. The boy's got some looks.

«Some looks». Huh. She keeps watching him. Yeah, he still isn't the most handsome boy she's ever seen (much to Ruby's disagreement). In fact, he was pretty irritating. The fact that they're in the middle of a classroom and he's simply banging his head to some random tune doesn't sit right with Anne.

And when your eyes catch mine
I know I talk to much

She shots him a glare. She wants to hit him and scream "We're in the middle of a classroom, fucking behave and stop singing", but instead she just says "Shut up".

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