11 | If u wanna stay

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▷ If u wanna stay - Sweatcult

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If u wanna stay - Sweatcult

«My feelings devouring»

April 1st

JANE ANDREWS spends all morning insisting on going out that Friday night. But for now, it's time for English after their lunch break, during which Jane hasn't stopped babbling about this new club in town.

After taking her usual seat in class next to Gilbert, Anne wonders how things have gotten to this point. The hazel-eyes boy is not ignoring her anymore, but things between them are not the same as they used to be. The air between them seems to be tense, as if there was something different between them that wasn't there before.


She loves English, really, especially since Miss Stacy teaches it. But she can't seem to focus — not when Gilbert's sitting next to her with that black knit sweater and his grey jeans. Nope, she can't focus at all.

"Okay, class" the teacher calls the class's attention. "You'll have to hand in this assignment"

She writes a deadline in the blackboard and turns around instantly to face the twenty pair of eyes sitting in their respective desks.

"Each one of you will write your name in a piece of paper along with a literary work you want to work with" Miss Stacy explains, resting both her hands on the teacher's table. "The aim of this assignment is to write an essay to prove you know how to properly analyze a literary work" she says. "Oh, and you can't repeat any work! Each one of you must work on a different one, so that there's more variety, alright?"

Each student does as the teacher says and after a few minutes and every piece of paper gathered, Miss Stacy speaks again. "Oh, seems like two students chose the same work"

Anne smiles to herself, rolling her eyes. It's probably just Moody copying over Billy's shoulder or something like that.

"Anne and Gilbert?" Miss Stacy's eyes focus on the two students, sharing a desk.

There's a mix of whispering and snickering as the afore mentioned Anne and Gilbert look up.

"Oh" he turns his face to look at her. Her cheeks are almost as red as her hair. "I can choose anoth-"

"Don't worry" Anne says. She doesn't notice how the entire class is paying attention to them. Even Miss Stacy, who is approaching their desk quietly, looks at them with curiosity. "I can choose another one, if you want to-"

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