05 | You shook me all night long (Pt. II)

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▷ You shook me all night long - AC/DC

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You shook me all night long - AC/DC

«She told me to come
but I was already there»


RUBY GILLIS can sense that there's an air of awkwardness in the table they're all sitting in. Diana and Jane are still singing, Moody and Tillie are complaining about some school project and Josie and Billy are now being two lovebirds — and Ruby can't help but feel a bit jealous. Will she ever find romance?

She looks at her left. Jerry Baynard, Anne's brother, is playing nervously with the hem of his T-shirt. Ruby studies him with a pitiful look on her face. Poor boy, maybe he doesn't know how to make friends — he's never hung out with us before, she thinks. He walked me home the other day and he seemed pretty cool.

"Thanks again for walking me home the other day" She says out of the sudden. The others are talking about something that seems really interesting, but Jerry has been awfully quiet since Gilbert and Anne left for drinks.

"It's alright. Are you feeling better?" he replies, trying not to sound too nervous. Although, the thing is, that Ruby Gillis makes him insanely nervous.

"Sure! I'm fine" she replies, not looking at him but at the brick wall that covers the club.


And that seems to be the end of the conversation. Awkward.

Thank God, after a few more shots, Gilbert and Anne are back, they don't join the others on the table, though. They stand up, a few feet away from the table.

"Well, fancy a song, Shirley?" Gilbert's voice calls her, making Anne look at him. It's the first time that she takes her time to actually look at him. He's wearing a plain black T-shirt and black jeans that go annoyingly perfect with his dark curls. His forehead is a bit sweaty because of the insane heat of the club, and some curls are sticking into his skin — he's handsome, he really is handsome. She notices now that he's staring straight at her, probably waiting for an answer.

"Um, no, thanks"

After mumbling an "I'm sorry", Anne walks past Gilbert and leaves the building, quickly looking for her cigars in her bag and leaving the boy standing petrified with a face that looked like a question mark.

"Don't go after her" a voice behind Gilbert says. "She probably wants to be alone"


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