07 | Scary love

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▷ Scary love - The Neighbourhood

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Scary love - The Neighbourhood

«Nobody's ever cared for me as much as you do»


January 3rd, 2019

MARILLA CUTHBERT enjoys the fact that Anne is happy and energetic for a change. The woman believes this switch in her daughter's mood has to do with Charlie's visit on Christmas. What she doesn't know is that the red-haired girl secretly loves being back to school after Christmas break. She's even left the house quite earlier than usual — Diana will have to drive Jerry to school today.

She enjoys her ride alone. Don't get her wrong, she adores her brother — but he never stops talking! Never! So right now, blasting one of her new favorite songs in her car, enjoying her own company, seems almost therapeutical.

Her classes don't start until half an hour or so, so the girl takes this free time to scribble something down in her notebook sitting in an empty hall. That's she hears footsteps approaching. When a pair of black converse enter her field of view, she doesnt need to look up to know it's him. There's just something in the way he walks, the way is shoes hit the floor he's walking on, that's familiar to her somehow.

"Hey" the girl says, lifting her eyes now so that they can meet his. She hasn't seen him over these two weeks; she has been busy doing plans with Charlie and the girls, but oh, she has missed him, especially their daily texting and usual banter in school. So when she sees him again, black converse, his usual pair of jeans and a zip hoodie that reveals a Beatles t-shirt underneath, she smiles warmly to him.

Gilbert Blythe.

"Shirley, hi" he says, playing with his car jeys. His voice is a mixture of nasal and raspy so she assumes he must have gotten a cold during the holidays. "Long time no see"

"Yeah" she nods. "Want to sit here?" she says, tapping the free spot in the floor right next to her.

"Sure" he replies. And although there's enough space, he sits pretty close to her. The girl puts her notebook aside, expecting a conversation to start, but it takes a few minutes until he finally speaks. "Are you sad now that Charlie has left again?"

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" she bats her eyes in curiosity and turns her head to her right to look at him.

Curious ocean-blue eyes meet hazel.

She instantly looks away.

"Just making sure that you were okay"

"I'm alright, thanks for asking though" she says. "And thanks for the text. On Christmas Eve"

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