girl crush [ eight ]

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the sky was dark and i didn't know where i was heading. i've known these streets for too long that i forgot exactly where a part of this place is somewhere i haven't visited yet. maybe i've been everywhere, maybe i haven't.

stars looked down on me as if asking me what the problem was, but i just skated away from the dorm as far as possible. there was this park i discovered before, and i probably should stay there.

there were no passers by so i guessed that the road was safe.

i went there using my skateboard, and then sighed everytime the air hit my face. my thoughts were rambled, and i didn't know what the hell i should do.

when i sat down on a bench, i looked up at the stars in hopes of finding hope but i almost jumped out of my seat when instead of the stars, i saw a person.

"fuck, what the hell are you doing here?" i asked, and he shook his head as he chuckled.

"i should be asking you the same thing. it's late. you're a girl. i am a guy. i am safer than you will be here," he said, making me roll my eyes.

"for christ's sake, hyojong. are you kidding me?" i asked, and he chuckled as he sat down next to me.

"it's hyojong oppa for you. and i was right. i thought i saw someone i knew skating towards here, and then i saw you. you better-"

"get back to the dorm? hell no, i'd stay here until dawn," i said, and he laughed.

"did you just make a pun? dawn? e'dawn? did you get it?" he asked, and then laughed at what he said. i facepalmed.

"god, i can't believe we're cousins," i said, and he laughed even more.

"well, i am e'dawn. you should be proud because i was the cutest in pentagon before i... well, before that," he said, and i gave him a sad smile.

"but you should be proud that you are cousins with choi sooji, the cutest maknae out there," i joked, and he faked a puke.

"kidding aside, why are you out your dorm at a time like this?" he asked, his tone becoming serious.

"you don't wanna know," i said, and he raised a brow at me.

"well, i do. and you can't do anything about that," he said, making me smile sadly.

"you need to swear you're not telling a soul," i said, and he nodded, making a pouty face as if i wasn't trusting him.

"yaksok," he said, inching his pinky towards me. i rolled my eyes and then linked mine with his.

"so, yg decided to give me a solo mini album and here i am thinking whether i made the right decision to accept it. i mean, i promised the azes girls that we are gonna soar high together, and i think that this is unfair because only i will get more exposure to the public, that will cause more people to be biased about me," i said, and he smiled at me.

"then don't think about it. i'm sure yg ceo will also give them mini albums after you," he said, and i sighed.

"but what if he doesn't-"

"don't think like that. you only know what the present is, but we will never know what is in the future. just let it flow, sachon. like me. i just let things flow and see where it took me." he said.

"it took you and cost you almost everything," i said, and he nodded.

"but it was the best mistake i ever had. i have hyuna, and that's all that matters. with her i have everything," he said, making me smile. he loves her. so much.

"you're not exactly an idiot, i guess," i said, and he groaned.

"i am a cute idiot, then," he said, grinning.

"whatever floats your boat, oppa. i guess i have to get back to the dorm now. i have a really early schedule." i said, and he nodded.

"good. i'm wishing you luck," he said.

i was about to walk away when he stopped me. i was confused, but then he pouted. he was gonna ask for something. i know it.

"when you pass by that plant shop tomorrow, please give your favourite cousin a little succulent?" he said, and i laughed.

"yeah? whatever. sure,"

and i skated away. so that was it.

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