girl crush [ sixty three ]

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"you wish to keep it a secret?" asked the ceo, and both taeyong and i exchanged glances.

it would be an understatement if i said that i wasn't nervous. maybe i'm breaking the ceo's trust by doing this, since the last time, i was also in a dating issue but with donghyuk. and it was manipulated as hell. i didn't want this time to be something like what happened to dk and i. taeyong's important to me. i don't wanna lose him just because we're idols who started dating.

being an idol, falling in love sometimes is the biggest crime society would think you'd do. i've seen it, i've felt it, i've been there. my situation might not have been the worst, but it hurt me and changed me in some way.

i felt taeyong slip his hand in mine, squeezing it as if trying to reassure me that it was going to be fine. i squeezed his hand back, knowing that deep inside him, he was also kind of nervous for his career. just being able to hold his hand like this calmed me down a bit.

"that would be a disaster. you will have to reveal it to the public as soon as possible if you wish for your careers not to be ruined. it will only worsen if dispatch releases an article about the both of you before you announce it to the public. personally, i expected this to happen even from the start. i saw how close the two of you were, and it looks as if the artists also knew that something's going on between the two of you. i just kept my mouth shut,"

"you'll have to reveal it to the public soon. within two weeks, i expect you two to make a statement about your relationship. i don't care how you do it, go live or make a post on instagram, just don't cause too much damage on your careers because of this. the damage done on artists' career also means damage to the company. act wiser than this,"

"i'm not gonna force you to break up, i know the fans aren't that foolish to not patch things up, little by little. i just didn't know it'd be this soon. taeyong, take responsibility on the effects this will have on your group. you know what might happen, am i right? you're responsible for your actions. you, too, sooji. your career rests on your hands."

we both kept our mouths shut as we nodded. i felt like a thorn has been taken out of my side, but i was still nervous about what might happen.

when we were finally dismissed from the office, i finally was able to breathe properly. i didn't realize how nervous i really was until we were out.

"um, so...?" taeyong said, so i looked up at him.

"when should we announce it? what should we do?" i asked, and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"let's think about it later, okay? let's try to calm down first. wanna visit to our dorm? let's watch a movie, or do whatever you want," he replied, so i gave him a soft smile before nodding.

"yeah, i guess i'd like that,"

as he closed the door, i suddenly heard someone speaking behind us.

"oh hoho, look at that. hello, sooji," said someone, so i turned my head only to see johnny.

"hey, johnny," i said, smiling.

"is taeyong- oh, hello, sooji. how's it going?" another voice said, so i smiled and bowed to the person.

"hello, doyoung-sunbae-"

"cut the sunbae off, doyoung's fine. anyway, i cooked something. you guys want some?" doyoung said, so i smiled and nodded.

"yeah, thanks, doyoung. soo, come on," taeyong said, grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him.

while following them, i felt my nervousness from before slightly fade away. maybe a night relaxing with someone i love is enough to at least take away the uneasy feeling of another issue looming over me, over us.

author's note
omg guyssss whyyyy, thaank youuu so much for 47k reads! it really means a lot to me. knowing that someone actually pays attention to something i write makes me feel happy hehe UwU
anywayyy, i love you aaallll ♡ this book is nearing its endddd~ am i ready to let gooo? are youu?
by the wayyy, if you guys have twitter, let's follow each otherrrr ♡ mine's the same as my un here, i'll follow u guys back~
stay safe and healthy, everyone!
정말 사랑해요 ㅠㅠ

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