Chapter Three

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Evan's POV
I get home at home around 7:10ish. I go up to mine and Laura's room. I walk in the door and the room is empty. I turn on the lights, go to my room and put on a red long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. Laura walks in just then.

"Hi Evan. I'm home" she says.

"Hi Laura. I'm in my room. I'm putting on a more comfortable clothes. I'll be right out" I say from my bedroom. I walk out of my room and see Laura standing in the kitchen.

"Hi Laura. How was your day today?" I ask as I walk up and hug her.

"Busy. The whole store was redecorated and it was not easy moving all that heavy shit around today. I'm so ready to have a movie date night with you. I'm starving. Is it ok if we eat before we go?" she asks.

"Yeah, of course. I'll make us mac and cheese" I say with a smile. I go over to the pantry and start making mac and cheese. I get all of the things out of the fridge. Laura and I talk while I'm cooking.

"How was work today. Did you and Alyssa talk when you got there this morning?" Laura asks

"Yeah we did. Just about life and stuff and then she had me do self checks for today" I tell her.

"Did you see Ryan today?" she asks.

"Yes I did" I say back

"Did you talk to him?" she asks

"Only for a few minutes while I was leaving. He looked really cute. As usual" I say with a smile.

"Evan you're not going to get anywhere by not telling him how you feel about him. You probably should tell him. He at least deserves to know" she says.

"I could never tell him, Laura. He's probably not even gay. Even if he is he probably doesn't like me the way I like him" I say back.

"Have you ever asked him if he is?" she asks

"No...I haven't. You can't ask someone you don't know if they're gay. It doesn't work like that" I say back.

"Then you shouldn't say that he isn't. You never know until you know for sure, Evan. You like him, don't you?" she asks.

"I'm in love with him" I say back to her.

"Then get to know him a little and when you feel ready, tell him how you feel. If you like him that much he deserves the truth" she says.

"He was wearing the tightest shirt today. I could see his nipples from a mile away right when he walked in. He looked so hot pushing all those carts into the lobby" I say with a smile on my face.

"I really think you should tell him some day, Evan" she says with a smile.

I finish making mac and cheese. I get two bowls out and two forks. We sit down and start eating. Laura and I always eat dinner together. Usually we take turns making dinner but Laura is way better at it then I am. She knows how to actually cook. I only know how to do mac and cheese and pizza and some other things.

"Holy shit, Evan. This mac and cheese is so good" she says with a smile.

"Thanks Laura. I'm glad you like it" I say with a smile.

We finish eating, take everything to the dishwasher and put it in. "Are you ready to go the movie, Evan? I've been so excited for this all day" Laura says excitedly.

"I'm so ready. I've been excited all day too. We never do this stuff anymore. Ever since we both started working such long hours, we never have any time to ourselves anymore" I say with a smile.

"I know, it sucks" Laura says.

"Come on, I'll drive" I say. We go to my car and start going to the movie theatre. We get to the theatre and start walking in. The smell of popcorn always makes me think of Laura and I going to the movies when we were kids. When life was simple. We get to the ticket counter and the ticket counter guy starts acting a little weird.

"Hi. What will it be?" he asks.

"Two for A Star is Born" I say.

"Here you go. Not to be weird but you're really cute" he says to me.

"...thanks but I'm not gay. See the girl that I'm with? She's my fiancé" I say back.

"I see" he says.

"Yep. So stop flirting with me please. I'll take the tickets. Thank you" I take the tickets and walk back to Laura.

"So that guy was flirting with me and I told him you were my fiancé. He's not attractive at all" I whisper to her. She looks back at the guy.

"God he's not" she whispers back to me. She looks back at the guy "Don't flirt with him again. Thanks. Have a super night" she says to him with a fake smile.

Laura and I share a bag of popcorn and each get a lemonade to drink. The movie was ok. Nothing amazing. Lady Gaga sure can sing though. Bradly Cooper can surprisingly sing very well. It's really nothing I'd go back to see again but overall it was pretty good. There was one song, Shallow, that I really loved. It made me think of Ryan and I being together. Laura and I walk out of the theatre.

"Did you like the movie, Laura?" I ask as we walk back to my car

"Yeah, it was ok. I expected a lot more but it was ok" she says.

"I feel the exact same way. Lady Gaga was really good. I really loved Shallow" I tell her.

"That was really the only song that got my attention. The rest I wasn't crazy about" she says.

We drive back home and sit in our living room for a while talking and stuff. I love it when Laura and I have these late night talks. It really does help. I really love talking to Laura. She really does make me feel better about my life. If I didn't have her, I really don't know what I'd do. She makes me feel like my life is actually worth something. It's midnight when we stop talking and decide to go to bed.

"Well it's time for bed" Laura says.

"Yeah, it's almost 12:30 am. I have to work at 10 tomorrow morning" I say to her.

"Good night, Evan. Love you" Laura says.

"Good night, I love you too"

We start going to our rooms when I remember the employee celebration that Alyssa told me about.

"Oh Laura" I quickly say.

"Yeah" she says.

"On Sunday the store is having an employee celebration for all the front end associates. Alyssa said I could bring you if I wanted to. Wanna come?" I ask.

"Sure. Sounds like fun" Laura says with a smile on her face.

"Awesome. Good night". I say happily.

"Good night" she says.

I get ready for bed and get in. While I'm going to bed I think, I love living with her. She's the best.

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