Chapter Thirty-three

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Christmas Day
Last night Ryan and I went on a double date with Grant and Laura to that fancy Italian restaurant that Laura and I went to a while ago. We were surprised that it was open on Christmas eve. When we found that out we got dressed up and headed out on a double date. When Laura and Grant told us that they were a couple, Ryan and I jumped for joy. We always knew it would happen. Ryan, Grant and I had nice suits on and Laura had a beautiful dress on. We all had spaghetti with strawberry lemonade. It was the best dinner I've had in a long time. Usually Ryan and I will do pizza or mac and cheese for dinner. We're not the classiest guys that ever lived so it was nice to have a fancy dinner. I'm so glad that I have an amazing boyfriend and best friends to do stuff with. It may not be the most exciting life but at least we get to do fun stuff like this every now and then. As long as I have Ryan, I'm good.

Ryan and I decided to have Christmas to ourselves this year. Usually Laura and I would go to her family's house and Ryan and Grant would go to Grant's family's house but this year Ryan and I wanted Christmas to ourselves. We wake up at 12pm and smile at each other.

"Good morning, baby" Ryan says.

"Good morning, cutie" I say back.

"Did you sleep well?" Ryan asks.

"Yes I did" I say back.

"It's Christmas. Wanna do anything special today" Ryan says.

"Just spend the day with you" I say back with a smile.

"We can do that" Ryan says with a kiss.

Ryan and I get out of bed and shower. Since it's Christmas and we have nowhere to be Ryan and I get back in bed for most of the day. We have a huge plate of cookies and cupcakes and other Christmas treats. Just for the two of us. All day we watch Disney+. Starting with our favorite Disney movie, Newsies. It's about 5pm when we put onesies on. I put on a reindeer onesie and Ryan puts on a snowman onesie. We go out to the kitchen for hot chocolate. Ryan makes it the best. Is there anything he can't do? He puts extra chocolate in it and I love it. We sit on his couch talking for a while.

"Here's your hot chocolate, cute boy" Ryan says with a smile.

"Thanks baby" I say with another smile.

Ryan sits down next to me. "Evan. I have to be honest. Since we both were working so much this season, I didn't really have a chance to buy any presents" he says.

"That's alright, Ryan. You don't have to buy me anything. You're the greatest gift for me" I say with a smile and kissing him.

"Well I actually did get you a little something. Before I give it to you, there's something I have to ask you" Ryan says.

"Yes Ryan. What is it?" I ask.

Ryan takes my hand and we walk in front of our Christmas tree that we put up together. Ryan takes my hands and smiles at me. He then kisses me. We smile at each other for a second.

"Evan. I know we've been together for only a few months but I have loved you for a very long time. When you're happy, I'm happy. When you smile, I smile. When you laugh, I laugh. For the first time in a long time I feel that we are both feel at peace with where and who we are. If I never met you, I'd for sure be dead by now. You make me a better person. I've never felt as happy as I do with you. I want this to continue for the rest of our lives. I love you more than anything in the world"

I look at him with a smirk on my face "Are you gonna propose?" I ask in a joking way.

He gets on one knee and pulls out a small box "Evan Jacob Campbell. Will you marry me?"

I stand there in complete disbelief. Am I dreaming? Did the love of my life really just ask me to marry him? Am I even awake? What is happening? What is life?

"Are you joking or being serious?" I ask him.

"Dead serious" Ryan says back to me. All the love in the world in his eyes.

I start crying uncontrollably and stand there for a second. "Yes Ryan Anthony Brooks. Of course I will". Ryan stands up and puts the ring on my finger. We stand there hugging for a very long time. About 45 minutes. I cry on his shoulder the whole time. I'm now engaged to the man I always wanted to marry. How did this even happen? This is without a doubt the best Christmas I've ever had and the best present I've ever gotten. Ryan and I look at each other with smiles. He wipes the tears from my eyes. We kiss multiple times.

"Do Laura and Grant know?" I ask.

"Yes they do. Remember when I asked to talk to them for a second last night? This is what I told them about. I asked for them not to tell you so I could ask you today" Ryan says with his arms around me.

"You clever, sneaky cute guy" I say with a laugh

Ryan and I get back in bed and hug for a little while longer. Eventually we begin to make out for a few minutes. This is probably the best Christmas ever. I just wish my parents were here to see this happen. At least they're at peace. Ryan is all I need. He can always make me feel better. His smile and charm could light up the sky. I'm so glad to call him mine. Eventually we look at each other and smile.

"Merry Christmas, baby. I love you" Ryan says with a smile.

"Merry Christmas, Ryan. I love you more" I say back with a smile.

"Not possible" Ryan says.

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