Chapter Twenty-two

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A week has gone by since Ross escaped. Ryan has been at work training a new guy that just started since 7am he'll be gone until 3pm. I'm alone in his apartment. I've been staying with Ryan this week. All day I've had my mind on Ross. He's probably going to show up here eventually. I sit on Ryan's bed thinking about Ross.

He's going to show up here. I know he is. I think to myself. I hear the doorbell ring. I walk to the door and open it. It's Ross. My stomach drops to the floor when I see him.

"Hello, Evan. It's been a while" he says with an evil look.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" I nervously ask him.

"I'm here to finish what I started. Last time I saw you, we were about to have a passionate night of sex" he says slyly.

"Passionate night of sex?" I say in disbelief "Are you kidding me? You tried to rape me! I was fourteen and you were eighteen. Luckily that couple in the house next to mine heard me screaming and were able to see what was happening. You were arrested for attempted statutory rape and were sentenced to ten years in prison. How did you even get out?".

"I escaped. Now you're nineteen and I'm twenty-three. We're adults now and I'm here to take back what's mine. You" Ross says confidently.

A wave of anger comes over me "I'm not yours, Ross. I never was and I never will be. I'm Ryan's" I say confidently.

He pulls out a gun. "Well when Ryan gets home, you're going to watch me kill that piece of shit motherfucker you call a boyfriend. Then we're going to run away from this town where no one will ever find us and you'll be mine forever" he says.

The wave of anger gets stronger "I won't stand by and see it done, Ross!"

"Hush, Evan. Now I suggest you shut the fuck up before I pick up where we left off". Ross says with a smirk on his face. He pulls me in for a kiss but I immediately slap him across the face. He looks at me. I can see right where I hit him.

"You'll have to before I let you lay a hand on Ryan" I say back to him.

"Alright. Works for me" Ross says sarcastically. He rushes at me but before he can do anything I extend my arm and punch him right in the face. He falls to the ground while his head makes a huge crash against the floor.

"Damn, this isn't the Evan I remember. Where'd that Evan go?" Ross says in shock.

"He grew the fuck up and learned to fight" I say scared but motivated to kick his ass. Ross gets back up, blood running down his face and an angry look.

"Alright, enough fucking around, little boy. This fucking bullshit ends now" he says in an angry tone.

"Yes it does. For You" I say back to him.

Before I can finish saying that Ross lunges at me, grabs my arms and throws me to the ground and throws himself on me. "Did you really think I was going to spend the next ten years in prison without my revenge, little boy? Fuck no! Wanna know something else? I killed your parents!" He proudly proclaims.

I lay there in complete disbelief. "You fucking what!?" I say back.

"Remember the day you came home and police were waiting there for you to tell you that your parents had been shot. I did that. I shot and killed them so I could have you all to myself" he explains.

"You worthless motherfucker" I say back to him.

"But you had to fuck it all up by screaming when I was trying to help you feel better" he says.

"You tried to fucking rape me! Why would I not have screamed, you piece of shit?!" I say back.

"Now I'm out and you're finally mine!" he says back.

"Get the fuck off me, you asshole!" I yell as he's on me, trying with all the strength in my body to get him off me.

"Sorry, no can do, Ev. It's time for my revenge on you for sending me to prison. Ross rolls me over and starts tying my hands behind my back.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I shout at him. Immediately after yelling that, Ross pulls out a roll of duct tape and tapes my mouth shut "Shut the fuck up!" he yells.

I continue to moan and try to free myself but I can't. Ross finishes tying my hands and then rolls me over on my back. While holding me down he starts tying my ankles together and then my knees together. I'm laying there tied up with my mouth taped shut when Ross picks me up, looks me in the eyes and creepily says "Ready to go, babe?".

I moan more. Ross hits me in the face. "If you make any noise while we're going to my car, I will find Ryan and you will watch me kill him" Terrified that I may not see Ryan again, I stay quiet as he takes me to his car. To make sure that no one sees me, Ross puts me in a body bag and zips it shut. I can feel him pick it up and start walking to his car. God I can hardly breathe in this thing. We get to his car in the parking garage Ross takes me out of the body bag and holds me up with his arm across my chest.

"You're not going to ride in the car. Someone might see you. It's too dangerous. You're going to ride in here" Ross says.

Ross opens his trunk and puts me in. He shuts the trunk door and gets into his car. I hear the car start and feel it start driving. I try to get the ropes off me hoping to jump at him when he opens the trunk again but I can't get them off. He's tied me up too tight. All I can do is lay there with images of Ryan and I racing in my head hoping that I'll see him again soon. 

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