Chapter Five

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The next morning I wake up to my alarm at 4:30am. Today is Friday and I work 7-10. God, kill me now. It's time to wake up already? I lay in bed for a few minutes before dragging myself out of bed. I walk to my bathroom and turn the lights on. I turn my shower on wait for it to warm. When it finally is, I take my pajama bottoms and underwear off. I throw my clothes to the side and get in. I wash my hair and my body. God my dick is so fucking hard. I grab it and start moving it up and down while I think about Evan. It felt fucking amazing. I've become really good at jerking off early in the morning.

I turn the shower off and get out. I dry off and hang my towel back up. I check my phone. It's 5am. I go back to my room and put my clothes on. Black briefs (I don't like boxers), gray athletic pants and a black athletic shirt with black and white tennis shoes. I brush my teeth and grab my backpack. I get to my car and start driving to work. I check the time again. It's 5:30 am. Alright, I have some time. I drive to my favorite breakfast place. I walk in and see a guy that I used to work with.

"Hey Ryan" he says in a cheery voice

"Hi Andy. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm alright. Yourself" he asks.

"I'm tired but alright" I say. Andy and I used to work together. He used to be a cart runner just like me. We used to cart run together every Thursday. He would always have the midday shift. We became pretty good friends. We hung out every now and then. He's a year older than I am but we still we're good friends. He quit working at the grocery store last summer. He got this job after. They pay really well here. Sometimes I think about quitting and coming here. With the amount of hours I'd request here, I'd be able to afford a house. The only thing keeping me at my current job is Evan. I also get paid decently there too.

"What will it be, Ryan?" Andy asks.

"Can I get two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a strawberry-banana smoothie please?" I ask.

"Sure can, buddy. You still working at Aisles of Smiles?" he asks.

"Yes I am. Still working with all of those carts" I say back.

"I kind of miss doing that" he says back as he gets my order.

"Remember how we used to work together every Thursday?" I ask.

"Yes I do. You were the first friend I made there. I miss working with you, dude" he says.

"I miss it too. I get why you quit though. You get paid better here" I say back.

"Way better. Are you still working 15 hour days?" he asks.

"Sure am. It's how I afford to live" I say back.

"God I have no idea how you do that. I start at 5am but I'm off at noon. Still get paid plenty" he says.

"Must be nice not having to work that much" I say back with a laugh

"It is. Anyway here's your food. It'll be $9.20" he says. I get my credit card out and pay for the food.

"Have a good day, Ryan. I hope to see you back here soon" Andy says.

"Thanks dude. I'll see you" I walk out of the place and go back to my car. I drive to work and park. I grab my backpack and food from the front seat and walk up to the break area. When I sit down I notice all the people who start early in the morning. They get to leave earlier too. Me? No. I get to stay until late at night. But at the same time I requested to do that. The life of a guy trying to support himself. I even come in earlier before Alyssa. She usually comes in at 7am. Sometimes we come in at the same time.

I get to work at about 5:45. I sit down at a table and start eating breakfast. I get my phone out and put my headphones in and put Sara Bareilles on. I listen to all of her album Little Voice. I relate to that album so much. It really describes my life. Whether I'm happy, sad, mad, feeling neutral, there's a song for everything on that album. I have all her albums but this one is my favorite.

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